News and Events
Nov 2015
Study of half a million people reveals sex and job predict how many autistic traits you haveMeasuring autistic traits in just under half a million people reveals that your sex, and whether you work in a STEM (science, technology, engineering or mathematics) job, predict how many autistic traits you have, according to new research published in the journal PLOS ONE.
Sep 2015
Men and women with autism have ‘extreme male’ scores on the ‘Eyes test’ of mindreadingNew results published by researchers at the Autism Research Centre (ARC) show both men and women with autism show an extreme of the typical male pattern on the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ test.
Jul 2015
Musical tastes offer a window into how you thinkDo you like your jazz to be Norah Jones or Ornette Coleman, your classical music to be Bach or Stravinsky, or your rock to be Coldplay or Slayer? The answer could give an insight into the way you think, say researchers from the University of Cambridge.
Jun 2015
Adults with Asperger Syndrome at greater risk of suicidal thoughtsAdults with the autism spectrum condition known as Asperger Syndrome are significantly more likely to experience suicidal thoughts than people from the UK general population, according to the first large-scale clinical study of its kind.
Sep 2014
Presence or absence of early language delay alters anatomy of the brain in autismIndividual differences in early language development, and in later language functioning, are associated with changes in the anatomy of the brain in autism.
Jul 2014
Males and females with autism show an extreme of the typical male mindThe largest ever psychological study of sex differences in adults with autism has found that both males and females with autism on average show an extreme of the typical male mind, where systemising (the drive to look for underlying rules in a system) is stronger than empathising (the ability to recognize the thoughts and feelings of others and to respond to these with appropriate emotions).
Jun 2014
Children with autism have elevated levels of steroid hormones in the wombChildren who later develop autism are exposed to elevated levels of steroid hormones (for example testosterone, progesterone and cortisol) in the womb, according to scientists from the University of Cambridge and the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark. The finding may help explain why autism is more common in males than females. However, the researchers caution that it should not be used to screen for the condition.
Jun 2014
Males and females differ in specific brain structuresNew study examines thousands of brains from two decades of research to reveal differences between male and female brain structure.
Dec 2013
Study confirms a gene linked to Asperger Syndrome and empathyScientists have confirmed that variations in a particular gene play a key role in the autism spectrum condition known as Asperger Syndrome. They have also found that variations in the same gene are also linked to differences in empathy levels in the general population.
Nov 2013
Synaesthesia is more common in autismPeople with autism are more likely to also have synaesthesia, suggests new research in the journal Molecular Autism.
Aug 2013
Autism affects different parts of the brain in women and menNew research sheds light on previously under-researched area of study – females with autism.
Aug 2013
Girls with anorexia have elevated autistic traitsGirls with anorexia nervosa show a mild echo of the characteristics of autism, suggests new research in the journal Molecular Autism.