Dr Fiona Scott
Dr Scott is a Chartered Psychologist and former Research Associate at the ARC who now runs an independent autism spectrum consultancy. Dr Scott is responsible for internal training on the ADOS and ADI-R for researchers in the ARC. She has over 17 years experience in researching and assessing children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Her research interests include the epidemiology autism and Asperger syndrome in 5-11 year olds; and developing work exploring prospective incidence of autism spectrum disorders.
Dr Scott has also been involved with the Department of Health workshop and policy drafting on Asperger Syndrome, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism, the National Initiative for Autism Screening and Assessment (NIASA), and the Review Group for the Medical Research Council Review of Autism Research.
Fiona is a recognised ADOS and ADI-R Trainer and runs independent training courses.
She obtained her PhD at the Institute of Psychiatry in London under Professor Simon Baron-Cohen investigating the cognitive aspects of imagination and reasoning in autism.