Dr Gina Gómez de la Cuesta (nee Owens)

Gina completed her PhD at the Autism Research Centre in 2008. Here thesis explored using systemising to facilitate social skills in autism. She evaluated Lego Therapy and the Social Use of Language Programme, as well as The Transporters DVD, in autistic children. She went on to work as an Assistant Research Psychologist for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust on the Family Happiness and Wellbeing project, which examined screening and early intervention for mental health difficulties in primary schools. She is now a qualified Clinical Psychologist, working at the CLASS clinic (a specialist adult autism diagnostic service), as well as running Play Included, a community interest company (CIC) that provides information, training and resources on LEGO therapy or LEGO®-based therapy, a social skills programme for children and young people with social communication difficulties such as autism.