Dr John Lawson

John’s background is in Social Psychology. He studied at the University of Cambridge gaining a B.A. (honours) and M.A. He transferred to the department of Psychiatry (ARC) at the University of Cambridge where he completed a PhD on entitled ‘The Empathising-Systemising model of Autism Spectrum Conditions’.

He is the Director of Studies for Social and Political Science at Girton College, Cambridge, and Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Oxford Brookes University.

His research is focused on 3 main areas:

Several new tests have been devised to study these areas such as the Social Stories Questionnaire (SSQ), the Physical Prediction Questionnaire (PPQ) the Activities and Pastimes Questionnaire (APQ), the Thoughts and Feelings Questionnaire (TFQ) and the Moral Orientation Questionnaire (MOQ). Some results from these tasks are in print and others are in progress.

He is currently writing a book entitled ‘The Role of Autism in Shaping Society’ which combines most of the research areas listed above.