Dr Sarah Hampton

Research Associate
Sarah left the ARC in April 2021. While working at the ARC Sarah was a postdoctoral researcher at the Autism Research Centre continuing the research she started during her PhD, also completed at the Autism Research Centre. Her PhD focused on the experiences of mothers on the autism spectrum. She used both quantitative and qualitative methods to explore how autistic mothers experience pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. She also works on the Cambridge Human Imaging and Longitudinal Development (CHILD) study, exploring the brain and behaviour development of infants with an increased genetic likelihood of receiving an autism diagnosis. Sarah’s PhD was funded by the Medical Research Council, the Pinsent Darwin Trust, and the Sackler Fund.
Before starting her PhD, Sarah worked as a research assistant at the University of Edinburgh. She obtained her MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL and completed a BA in Philosophy and Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge University.