Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Aydin, E, Tsompanidis, A, Chaplin, D, Hawkes, R, Allison, C, Hackett, G, Austin, T, Padaigaite, E, Gabis, L, V, Suckling, J, Holt, R, Baron-Cohen, S, (2024) Fetal brain growth and infant autistic traits. Molecular Autism, 15.
- Del Bianco, T, Lai, M, C, Mason, L, Johnson, M, H, Charman, T, Loth, E, Banaschewski, T, Murphy, D, G, Jones, E, J, and the AIMS-2-TRIALS LEAP Team, (2024) Sex differences in social brain neural responses in autism: temporal profiles of configural face-processing within data-driven time windows. Scientific Reports, 14.
- Del Bianco, T, Lockwood, E, G, Tillman, J, Oakley, B, F, Crowley, D, San José Cáceres, A, Hayward, H, Potter, M, Mackay, W, Smit, P, du Plessis, C, the EU-AIMS LEAP Group, et al, (2024) Mapping the link between socio-economic factors, autistic traits and mental health across different settings. Autism, 28, 1280-1296.
- Greenberg, Y, D, M, Holt, R, Allison, C, Smith, P, Newman, R, Boardman-Pretty, T, Baron-Cohen, S, (2024) Moral foundations in autistic people and people with systemizing. Molecular Autism, 15.
- Gu, Y, Maria-Stauffer, E, Bedford, S, A, Romero-Gardia, R, Grove, J, Børglum, A, D, Martin, H, Baron-Cohen, S, Bethlehem, R, A, Warrier, V, (2024) Preprint: Polygenic scores for autism are associated with neurite density in adults and children from the general population. medRxiv.
- Ho, N, C, Bethlehem, R, A, Seidlitz, J, Nogovitsyn, N, Metzak, P, Ballester, P, L, Hassel, S, Rotzinger, S, Poppenk, J, Lam, R, W, Taylor, V, H, Roumen, M, Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium, (2024) Archival Report: Atypical Brain Aging and Its Association With Working Memory Performance in Major Depressive Disorder. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 9, 786-799.
- Jassim, N, McCoy, B, Yip, E, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Lawson, R, P, (2024) Preprint: The “Tetris effect”: Testing the implicit drive for perceptual cohesion in autism. PsyArXiv.
- Khan, Y, T, Tsompanidis, A, Radecki, M, A, Dorfschmidt, L, APEX Consortium, Austin, T, Suckling, J, Allison, C, Lai, M, C, Bethlehem, R, A, Baron-Cohen, S, (2024) Preprint: Sex Differences in Human Brain Structure at Birth. bioRxiv.
- Leyhausen, J, Schäfer, T, Gurr, C, Berg, L, M, Seelemeyer, H, Pretzsch, C, M, Loth, E, Oakley, B, Buitelaar, J, K, Beckmann, C, F, Floris, D, L, The EU-AIMS LEAP Group et al, (2024) Differences in intrinsic gray matter connectivity and their genomic underpinnings in autism spectrum disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 95, 175-186.
- Moseley, R, L, Gregory, N, J, Smith, P, Allison, C, Cassidy, S, Baron-Cohen, S, (2024) Potential mechanisms underlying suicidality in autistic people with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: testing hypotheses from the interpersonal theory of suicide. Autism in Adulthood, 6, 9-24.
- Pavlinek, A, Adhya, D, Tsompanidis, A, Warrier, V, Vernon, A, C, Lancaster, M, Mill, J, Srivastava, D, P, Baron-Cohen, S, (2024) Review: Using Organoids to Model Sex Differences in the Human Brain. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 4.
- Procyshyn, T, L, Tsompanidis, A, Baron‐Cohen, S, (2024) Editorial: Embracing evolutionary theories of autism: Implications for psychiatry. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 149, 85-97.
- Quesque, F, Apperly, I, Baillargeon, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Becchio, C, Bekkering, H, Bernstein, D, Bertoux, M, Bird, G, Bukowski, H, Burgmer, P, (2024) Defining key concepts for mental state attribution. Communications Psychology, 2.
- Tsompanidis, A, Warrier, V, Baron-Cohen, S, (2024) Editorial: Sex Differences in Autism Heritability and Likelihood: What’s in a Residual? JAMA Psychiatry, 7, 643-644.
- Whelan, T, P, Daly, E, Puts, N, A, Smith, P, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Malievskaia, E, Murphy, D, G, McAlonan, G, M, (2024) The ‘PSILAUT’protocol: an experimental medicine study of autistic differences in the function of brain serotonin targets of psilocybin. BMC Psychiatry, 24.
- Bast, N, Mason, L, Ecker, C, Baumeister, S, Banaschewski, T, Jones, E, J, Murphy, D, G, Buitelaar, J, K, Loth, E, Pandina, G, Freitag, C, M, (2023) Sensory salience processing moderates attenuated gazes on faces in autism spectrum disorder: a case-control study. Molecular Autism, 14, 5.
- Berg, L, M, Gurr, C, Leyhausen, J, Seelemeyer, H, Bletsch, A, Schaefer, T, Pretzsch, C, M, Oakley, B, Loth, E, Floris, D, L, Buitelaar, J, K, Beckmann, C, F, Banaschewski, T, Charman, T, Jones, E, J, H, Tillmann, J, Chatham, C, H , Bourgeron, T, The EU-AIMS LEAP Group, Murphy, D, G, Ecker, C, (2023) The neuroanatomical substrates of autism and ADHD and their link to putative genomic underpinnings. Molecular Autism, 14, 36.
- Chan, J, K, Cheung, T, C, Chan, C, W, Fang, F, Lai, K, Y, Sun, X, O’Reilly, H, Golan, O, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Leung, P, W, (2023) Enhancing emotion recognition in young autistic children with or without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Hong Kong using a Chinese App version of The Transporters. Autism, 28, 945-958.
- Del Bianco, T, Lockwood Estrin, G, Tillmann, J, Oakley, B, F, Crawley, D, San José Cáceres, A, Hayward, H, Potter, M, Mackay, W, Smit, P, du Plessis, C, Brink, L, Springer, P, Odendaal, H, Charman, T, Banaschewski, T, Baron-Cohen, S, et al (2023) Mapping the link between socio-economic factors, autistic traits and mental health across different settings. Autism, 28, 1280-1296.
- *Floris, D, L, Peng, H, Warrier, V, Lombardo, M, V, Pretzsch, C, M, Moreau, C, Tsompanidis, A, Gong, W, Mennes, M, Llera, A, van Rooij, D, Oldehinkel, M, Forde, N, Charman, T, Tillmann, J, Banaschewski, T, Moessnang, C, Durston, S, Holt, R, J, Ecker, C, Dell’Acqua, F, Loth, E, Bourgeron, T, Murphy, D, G, M, Marquand, A, F, Lai, M-C, Buitelaar, J, K, Baron-Cohen, S, Beckmann, C, F, the EU-AIMS LEAP Group, (2023) The link between autism and sex-specific neuroanatomy, and associated cognition and gene expression. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1, 50-64.
- *Greenberg, D, M, Warrier, V, Abu-Akel, A, Allison, C, Gajos, K, Z, Reinecke, K, Rentfrow, P, J, Radecki, M, A, Baron-Cohen, S, (2023) Sex and age differences in “theory of mind” across 57 countries using the English version of the “Reading the Mind in the Eyes” Test. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120, e2022385119.
- Groen, Y, Ebert, W, M, Dittner, F, M, Stapert, A, F, Henning, D, Greaves-Lord, K, Davids, R, C, Castelein, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Allison, C, Van Balkom, I, D, Piening, S, (2023) Measuring the autistic women’s experience (AWE). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20.
- Hampton, S, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Holt, R, (2023) Autistic People’s Perinatal Experiences II: A Survey of Childbirth and Postnatal Experiences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 53, 2749-2763.
- Isakoglou, C, Haak, K, V, Wolfers, T, Floris, D, L, Llera, A, Oldehinkel, M, Forde, N, J, Oakley, B, F, Tillmann, J, Holt, R, J, Moessnang, C, Loth, E, Bourgeron, T, Baron-Cohen, S, et al (2023) Fine-grained topographic organization within somatosensory cortex during resting-state and emotional face-matching task and its association with ASD traits. Translational Psychiatry, 13, 270.
- Mei, T, Forde, N, J, Floris, D, L, Dell’Acqua, F, Stones, R, Ilioska, I, Durston, S, Moessnang, C, Banaschewski, T, Holt, R, J, Baron-Cohen, S, (2023) Archival Report: Autism Is associated with interindividual variations of gray and white matter morphology, Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 8, 1084-1093.
- More, R, P, Warrier, V, Brunel, H, Buckingham, C, Smith, P, Allison, C, Holt, R, Bradshaw, C, R, Baron-Cohen, S, (2023) Identifying rare genetic variants in 21 highly multiplex autism families: the role of diagnosis and autistic traits. Molecular Psychiatry, 28, 2148–2157.
- Oblong, L, M, Llera, A, Mei, T, Haak, K, Isakoglou, C, Floris, D, L, Durston, S, Moessnang, C, Banaschewski, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Loth, E, (2023) Linking functional and structural brain organisation with behaviour in autism: a multimodal EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP) study. Molecular Autism, 14,32.
- Parsons, O, Baron-Cohen, S, (2023) Extraction and generalisation of category-level information during visual statistical learning in autistic people. PLOS One, 18,e0286018.
- Pelton, M, K, Crawford, H, Bul, K, Robertson, A, E, Adams, J, De Beurs, D, Rodgers, J, Baron‐Cohen, S, Cassidy, S, (2023) The role of anxiety and depression in suicidal thoughts for autistic and non-autistic people: A theory-driven network analysis. Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior, 53, 426-442.
- Pretzsch, C, M, Floris, D, L, Schäfer, T, Bletsch, A, Gurr, C, Lombardo, M, V, Chatham, C, H, Tillmann, J, Charman, T, Arenella, M, Jones, E, Ambrosino, S, Bourgeron, T, Dumas, G, Cliquet, F, Leblond, C, S, Loth, E, Oakley, B, Buitelaar, J, K, Baron-Cohen, S, Beckmann, C,F, Persico, A, M, Banaschewski, T, Durston, S, Freitag, C, M, EU-AIMS/AIMS-2-TRIALS Consotrium, Murphy, D, G, M, Ecker, C, (2023) Cross-sectional and longitudinal neuroanatomical profiles of distinct clinical (adaptive) outcomes in autism. Molecular Psychiatry, 28, 2158–2169.
- Rolland, T, Cliquet, F, Anney, R, J, Moreau, C, Traut, N, Mathieu, A, Huguet, G, Duan, J, Warrier, V, Portalier, S, Dry, L, Leblond, C, S, Douard, E, Amsellem, F, Malesys, S, Mauruani, A, Toro, R, Borglum, A, D, Grove, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Packer, A, Chung, W, K, Jacquemont, S, Delorme, R, Bourgeron, T, (2023) Phenotypic effects of genetic variants associated with autism. Nature Medicine, 29, 1671-1680.
- Rum, Y, Golan, O, Allison, C, Smith, P, White, S, R, Baron-Cohen, S, (2023) Does having a sibling affect autistic people’s empathy? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Sari, N, P, Tsompanidis, A, Wahab, R, J, Gaillard, R, Aydin, E, Holt, R, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, van IJzendoorn, M, H, Jansen, P, W, (2023) Is the association between mothers’ autistic traits and childhood autistic traits moderated by maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index? Molecular Autism, 14.
- Stafford, O, Gleeson, C, Egan, C, Tunney, C, Rooney, B, O’Keeffe, F, McDermott, G, Baron-Cohen, S, Burke, T, (2023) A 20-Year Systematic Review of the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test across Neurodegenerative Conditions. Brain Sciences, 13, 1268.
- Tsompanidis, A, Blanken, L, Broere-Brown, Z, A, van Rijn, B, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Tiemeier, H, (2023) Sex differences in placenta-derived markers and later autistic traits in children. Translational Psychiatry, 13.
- Tsompanidis, A, Hampton, S, Aydin, E, Allison, C, Holt, R, Baron-Cohen, S, (2023) Mini-puberty testosterone and infant autistic traits. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14,1126023.
- Tsompanidis, A, Warrier, V, Baron-Cohen, S, (2023) The genetics of autism and steroid- related traits in prenatal and postnatal life. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14, 1126036.
- Ward, J, Weir, E, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, (2023) Increased rates of chronic physical health conditions across all organ systems in autistic adolescents and adults. Molecular Autism, 14.
- Warrier, V, Stauffer, E, M, Huang, Q, Q, Wigdor, E, M, Slob, E, A, Seidlitz, J, Ronan, L, Valk, S, L, Mallard, T, T, Grotzinger, A, D, Romero-Garcia, R, Baron-Cohen, S et al, (2023) Genetic insights into human cortical organization and development through genome-wide analyses of 2,347 neuroimaging phenotypes. Nature Genetics, 55, 1483-1493.
- Ambrosino, S, Elbendary, H, Lequin, M, Rijkelijkhuizen, D, Banaschewski, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Bast, N, Baumeister, S, Buitelaar, J, Charman, T, Crawley, D, Dell’Acqua, F, Hayward, H, Holt, R, Moessnang, C, Persico, A, M, Sacco, R, Caceres, A, S, J, Tillmann, J, the EU-AIMS LEAP Group, Loth, E, Ecker, C, Oranje, B, Murphy, D, Durston, S, (2022) In-depth characterization of neuroradiological findings in a large sample of individuals with autism spectrum disorder and controls. NeuroImage: Clinical, 35, 103118.
- Bailey, J, Parsons, O, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Baker, S, T, (2022) A pilot study of autistic and non-autistic adults’ systemizing in a learning task using observational measures of attention, misunderstanding, and reasoning. Cambridge Educational Research e-Journal, 9, 1-16.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Lombardo, M, V, (2022) Autism and talent: the cognitive and neural basis of systemizing. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 19, 345-353.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Radecki, M, A, Greenberg, D, M, Warrier, V, Holt, R, J, Allison, C, (2022) Commentary on Sex differences in theory of mind: The on-average female advantage on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 12, 1440-14401.
- Baumeister, S, Moessnang, C, Bast, N, Hohmann, S, Aggensteiner, P, Kaiser, A, Tillmann, J, Goyard, D, Charman, T, Ambrosino, S, Baron-Cohen, S, et al, (2022) Processing of social and monetary rewards in autism spectrum disorders. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 222, 100-111.
- Bethlehem, R, A, I, Seidlitz, J, White S, R, Vogel, J, W, Anderson, K, M, Adamson, C, Adler, S, Alexopoulos, G, S, Anagnostou, E, Areces-Gonzalez, A, Astle, D, E, Auyeung, B, Ayub, M, Bae, J, Ball, G, Baron-Cohen, S, et al, (2022) Brain charts for the human lifespan. Nature, 604, 525-533.
- Cassidy, S, Au-Yeung, S, Robertson, A, Cogger-Ward, H, Richards, G, Allison, C, Bradley, L, Kenny, R, O’Connor, R, Mosse, D, Rodgers, J, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) Autism and autistic traits in those who died by suicide in England. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 5, 683-691.
- Conson, M, Senese, V, P, Zappullo, I, Baiano, C, Warrier, V, Raimo, S, Rauso, B, Salzano, S, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) The effect of autistic traits on disembedding and mental rotation in neurotypical women and men. Scientific Reports, 12, 4639.
- Del Bianco, T, Mason, L, Charman, T, Tillman, J, Loth, E, Hayward, H, Shic, F, Buitelaar, J, Johnson, M, H, Jones, E, J, EU-AIMS LEAP Group, (2022) Temporal Profiles of Social Attention Are Different Across Development in Autistic and Neurotypical People. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6, 813-824.
- Del Bianco, T, Mason, L, Lai, M, C, Loth, E, Tillmann, J, Charman, T, Hayward, H, Gleissl, T, Buitelaar, J, K, Murphy, D, G, Baron‐Cohen, S, (2022) Unique dynamic profiles of social attention in autistic females. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 12, 1602-1614.
- Dooley, N, Ruigrok, A, Holt, R, Allison, C, Tsompanidis, A, Waldman, J, Auyeung, B, Lombardo, M, V, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) Is there an association between prenatal testosterone and autistic traits in adolescents? Psychoneuroendocrinology, 136, 105623.
- Garcés, P, Baumeister, S, Mason, L, Chatham, C, H, Holiga, S, Dukart, J, Jones, E, J, Banaschewski, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Bölte, S, Buitelaar, J, K, (2022) Resting state EEG power spectrum and functional connectivity in autism: a cross-sectional analysis. Molecular Autism. 13, 22.
- Golan, O, Terner, M, Israel-Yaacov, S, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) The Autism-Spectrum Quotient–Hebrew version: Psychometric properties of a full and a short form, adapted for DSM-5. Autism, 3, 796-807.
- Haartsen, R, Charman, T, Pasco, G, Johnson, M, H, Jones, E, J, & The BASIS Team, (2022) Modulation of EEG theta by naturalistic social content is not altered in infants with family history of autism. Scientific Reports, 12, 20758.
- Haartsen, R, Mason, L, Garces, P, Gui, A, Charman, T, Tillmann, J, Johnson, M, H, Buitelaar, J, K, Loth, E, Murphy, D, Jones, E, J, the EU-AIMS Group, (2022) Qualitative differences in the spatiotemporal brain states supporting configural face processing emerge in adolescence in autism. Cortex, 155, 13-29.
- Hampton, S, Allison, C, Aydin, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Holt, R, (2022) Autistic mothers’ perinatal well-being and parenting styles. Autism, 7, 1805-1820.
- Hampton, S, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Holt, R, (2022) Autistic People’s Perinatal Experiences I: A Survey of Pregnancy Experiences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 54, 211-223.
- Hampton, S, Man, J, Allison, C, Aydin, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Holt, R, (2022) A qualitative exploration of autistic mothers’ experiences I: Pregnancy experiences. Autism, 26, 1165-1175.
- Jackson, E, Galvin, J, Warrier, V, Baron-Cohen, S, Luo, S, Dunbar, R, I, Proctor, H, Lee, E, Richards, G, (2022) Evidence of assortative mating for theory of mind via facial expressions but not language. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 12, 3660-3679.
- Jassim, N, Owen, A, M, Smith, P, Suckling, J, Lawson, R, P, Baron-Cohen, S, Parsons, O, (2022) Perceptual decision-making in autism as assessed by “spot the difference” visual cognition tasks. Scientific reports, 12, 15458.
- Laidi, C, Floris, D, L, Tillmann, J, Elandaloussi, Y, Zabihi, M, Charman, T, Wolfers, T, Durston, S, Moessnang, C, Dell’Acqua, F, Ecker, C, Loth, E, Murphy, D, Baron-Cohen, S, Buitelaar, J, K, Marquand, A, F, Beckmann, C, F, Frouin, V, Leboyer, M, Duchesnay, E, Coupe, P, Houenou, J, and the EU-AIMS LEAP Group, (2022) Cerebellar atypicalities in autism? Biological Psychiatry, 92, 674-682.
- Llera, A, Brammer, M, Oakley, B, Tillmann, J, Zabihi, M, Mei, T, Charman, T, Ecker, C, Acqua, F, D, Banaschewski, T, Moessnang, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Holt, R, Durston, S, Murphy, D, Loth, E, Buitelaar, J, K, Floris, D, L, Beckmann, C, F, (2022) Evaluation of data imputation strategies in complex, deeply-phenotyped data sets: the case of the EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22, 229.
- Looden, T, Floris, D, L, Llera, A, Chauvin, R, J, Charman, T, Banaschewski, T, Murphy, D, Marquand, A, Buitelaar, J, K, Beckmann, C, F on behalf of the AIMS-2-TRIALS group, (2022) Patterns of connectome variability in autism across fve functional activation tasks: fndings from the LEAP project. Molecular Autism, 13, 53.
- Mason, L, Moessnang, C, Chatham, C, Ham, L, Tillmann, J, Dumas, G, Ellis, C, Leblond, C, S, Cliquet, F, Bourgeron, T, Beckmann, C, Charman, T, Oakley, B, Banaschewski, T, Meyer-Lindenberg, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolte, S, Buitelaar, J , K, Durston, S, Lot,h E, Orange, B, Persico, A, Dell’Acqua, F, Ecker, C, Johnson, M, H, Murphy, D, Jones, E, J, H, (2022) Stratifying the autistic phenotype using electrophysiological indices of social perception. Science Translationoal Medicine, 14, 658.
- Massarali, A, Dwaipayan, A, Srivastava, D, P, Baron-Cohen, S, Kotter, M, R, (2022) Virus-Induced Maternal Immune Activation as an Environmental Factor in the Etiology of Autism and Schizophrenia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 834058.
- Meyer-Lindenberg, H, Moessnang, C, Oakley, B, Ahmad, J, Mason, L, Jones, E, J, Hayward, H, L, Cooke, J, Crawley, D, Holt, R, Tillmann, J, Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Banaschewski, T, Beckmann, C, Tost, H, Meyer-Lindenberg, A, Buitelaar, J, K, Murphy, D, G, Brammer, M, J, Loth, E, (2022) Facial expression recognition is linked to clinical and neurofunctional differences in autism. Molecular Autism, 13, 43.
- Moseley, R, L, Gregory, N, J, Smith, P, Allison, C, Cassidy, S, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) Non-suicidal self-injury and its relation to suicide through acquired capability: investigating this causal mechanism in a mainly late-diagnosed autistic sample. Molecular Autism, 13, 45.
- Moseley, R, L, Gregory, N, J, Smith, P, Allison, C, Cassidy, S, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) The relevance of the interpersonal theory of suicide for predicting past-year and lifetime suicidality in autistic adults. Molecular Autism, 13, 14.
- Pretzsch, C, M, Schäfer, T, Lombardo, M, V, Warrier, V, Mann, C, Bletsch, A, Chatham, C, H, Floris, D, L, Tillmann, J, Yousaf, A, Jones, E, Charman, T, Ambrosino, S, Bourgeron, T, Dumas, G, Loth, E, Oakley, B, Buitelaar, J, K, Cliquet, F, Leblond, C, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Beckmann, C, F, Banaschewski, T, Durston, S, Freitag, C, M, the EU-AIMS LEAP Group, Murphy, D, G, M, Ecker, C, (2022) Neurobiological Correlates of Change in Adaptive Behavior in Autism. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 179, 336-349.
- Procyshyn, T, Lombardo, M, Lai, M, C, Jassim, N, Auyeung, B, Crockford, S, Deakin, J, B, Soubramanian, S, Sule, A, Terburg, D, Baron-Cohen, S, Bethtlehem, R, A, I, (2022) Oxytocin enhances basolateral amygdala activation and functional connectivity while processing emotional faces: preliminary findings in autistic versus non-autistic women. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10, 929-938.
- Reid, M, J, Rogdaki, M, Dutan, L, Hanger, B, Sabad, K, Nagy, R, Adhya, D, Baron-Cohen, S, McAlonan, G, Price, J, Vernon, A, C, (2022) Cell line specific alterations in genes associated with dopamine metabolism and signaling in midbrain dopaminergic neurons derived from 22q11.2 deletion carriers with elevated dopamine synthesis capacity. Schizophrenia Research.
- Ribeiro, T, C, Farhat, L, C, Casella, E, Graeff-Martins, A, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Allison, C, Polanczyk, G, V, (2022) Brazilian Portuguese Childhood Autism Spectrum Test: an investigation of the factor structure of autistic traits in school-aged children. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 6, 650-654.
- Richards, G, Aydin, E, Tsompanidis, A, Padaigaitė, E, Austin, T, Allison, C, Holt, R, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) Digit ratio (2D:4D) and maternal testosterone-to-estradiol ratio measured in early pregnancy. Scientific Reports, 12, 13586.
- Richards, G, Baron-Cohen, S, Warrier, V, Mellor, B, Davies, J, Gee, L, Galvin, J, (2022) Evidence of partner similarity for autistic traits, systemizing, and theory of mind via facial expressions. Scientific Reports, 12, 8451.
- Roman-Urrestarazu, A, Yang, J, C, van Kessel, R, Warrier, V, Dumas, G, Jongsma, H, Gatica-Bahamonde, G, Allison, C, Matthews, F, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Brayne, C, (2022) Autism incidence and spatial analysis in more than 7 million pupils in English schools: a retrospective, longitudinal, school registry study. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 6, 857-868.
- Sari, N, P, Jansen, P, W, Blanken, L, M, Ruigrok, A, N, Prinzie, P, Tiemeier, H, Baron-Cohen, S, van IJzendoorn, M, H, White, T, (2022) Maternal age, autistic-like traits and mentalizing as predictors of child autistic-like traits in a population-based cohort. Molecular Autism, 13, 26.
- Schroeter, M, L, Kynast, J, Schlögl, H, Baron-Cohen, S, Villringer, A, (2022) Sex and age interact in reading the mind in the eyes. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 12, 100162.
- Shalev, I, Warrier, V, Greenberg, D, M, Smith, P, Allison, C, Baron‐Cohen, S, Eran, A, Uzefovsky, F, (2022) Reexamining empathy in autism: Empathic disequilibrium as a novel predictor of autism diagnosis and autistic traits. Autism Research, 10, 1917-1928.
- Skerswetat, J, Bex, P, J, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) Visual consciousness dynamics in adults with and without autism. Scientific Reports, 12, 4376.
- Slavny-Cross, R, Allison, C, Griffiths, S, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) Are autistic people disadvantaged by the criminal justice system? A case comparison. Autism, 27, 1438-1448.
- Slavny‐Cross, R, Allison, C, Griffiths, S, Baron‐Cohen, S, (2022) Autism and the criminal justice system: An analysis of 93 cases. Autism Research, 15, 904-914.
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- van Kessel, R, Massrali, A, Vom Felde Genannt Imbusch, P, Dragu, A, Brayne, C, Baron‐Cohen, S, Czabanowska, K, Roman‐Urrestarazu, A, (2022) Autism and education—The role of Europeanisation in South-Eastern Europe: Policy mapping in Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. Children & Society, 37, 1658-1671.
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- *Warrier, V, Zhang, X, Reed, P, Havdahl, A, Moore, T, M, Cliquet, F, Leblond, C, S, Rolland, T, Rosengren, A, EU-AIMS LEAP, iPSYCH-Autism Working Group, Spectrum10K and APEX Consortia, Rowitch, D, H, Hurles, M, E, Geschwind, D, H, Borglum, A, D, Robinson, E, B, Grove, J, Martin, H, C, Bourgeron, T, Baron-Cohen, S, (2022) Genetic correlates of phenotypic heterogeneity in autism. Nature Genetics, 54, 1293-1304.
- Welch, C, Senman, L, Loftin, R, Picciolini, C, Robison, J, Westphal, A, Perry, B, Nguyen, J, Jachyra, P, Stevenson, S, Aggarwal, J, Sachindri, W, Baron-Cohen, S, Penner, M, (2022) Understanding the use of the term “Weaponized Autism” in an alt-right social media platform. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10, 4035-4046.
- Wendt, F, R, Warrier, V, Pathak, G, A, Koenen, K, C, Stein, M, B, Krystal, J, H, Pietrzak, R, H, Gelernter, J, Goldfarb, E, V, Baron-Cohen, S, Polimanti, R, (2022) Polygenic scores for empathy associate with posttraumatic stress severity in response to certain traumatic events. Neurobiology of Stress, 17, 100439.
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- Adhya, D, Chennell, G, Crowe, J, A, Valencia-Alarcon, E, P, Seyforth, J, Hosny, N, A, Yasvoina, M, V, Forster, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Vrnon, A, C, Srivastava, D, P, (2021) Application of Airy beam light sheet microscopy to examine early neurodevelopmental structures in 3D hiPSC-derived human cortical spheroids. Molecular Autism, 12, 1-18.
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- Ecker, C, Pretzsch, C, M, Bletsch, A, Mann, C, Schaefer, T, Ambrosino, S, Tillmann, J, Yousaf, A, Chiocchetti, A, Lombardo, M, V, Warrier, V, Bast, N, Moessnang, C, Baumeister, S, Dell’Acqua, F, Floris, D, L, Zabihi, M, Marquand, A, Cliquet, F, Leblond, C, Moreau, C, Puts, N, Banaschewski, T, Jones, E, J, H, Mason, L, Bolte, S, Meyer-Lindenberg, A, Persico, A, M, Durston, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Spooren, W, Loth, E, Freitag, C, M, Charman, T, Dumas, G, Bourgeron, T, Beckmann, C, F, Buitelaar, J, K, Murphy, D, G, M, (2021) Interindividual Differences in Cortical Thickness and Their Genomic Underpinnings in Autism Spectrum Disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 179, 242-254.
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- Floris, D, L, Wolfer, T, Zabihi, M, Holz, N, E, Zwiers, M, P, Charman, T, Tillmann, J, Ecker, C, Dell’Acqua, F, Banaschewski, T, Moessnang, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Holt, R, Durston, S, Loth, E, Murphy, D, Marquand, A, Buitelaar, J, Beckmann, C, the EU-AIMS Leap group, (2021) Atypical Brain Asymmetry in Autism-A Candidate for Clinically Meaningful Stratification. Biological Psychiatry, 6, 802-812.
- Floris, D, L, Filho, J, O, Lai , M, C, Giavasis, S, Oldehinkel, M, Mennes, M, Charman, T, Tillmann J, Dumas, G, Ecker, C, Dell’Acqua, F, Banaschewski, T, Moessnang, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Durston, S, Loth, E, Murphy, D, G, M, Buitelaar, J, K, Beckmann, C, ,F, Milham, M, P, Di Martino, A, (2021) Towards robust and replicable sex differences in the intrinsic brain function of autism. Molecular Autism, 12, 1-17.
- Gliga, T, Skolnick, A, Liersch, U, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, Bedford, R, BASIS Team, (2021) Investigating the Mechanisms Driving Referent Selection and Retention in Toddlers at Typical and Elevated Likelihood for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Child Language, 49, 1024-1036.
- Gutiérrez-Cobo, M, J, Cabello, R, Megías-Robles, A, Gómez-Leal, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Fernández-Berrocal, P, (2021) Does our cognitive empathy diminish with age? The moderator role of educational level. International Psychogeriatrics, 35, 207-214.
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- Kennedy, E , Lane, C, Stynes, H, Ranieri, V, Spinner, L, Carmichael, P, Omar, R, Vickerstaff, V, Hunter, R, Senior, R, Butler, G, Baron-Cohen, S, de Graaf, N, Steensma, T, D, de Vries, A, Young, B, King, M, (2021) Longitudinal Outcomes of Gender Identity in Children (LOGIC): study protocol for a retrospective analysis of the characteristics and outcomes of children referred to specialist gender services in the UK and the Netherlands. BMJ Open, 11, e054895.
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- Mason, L, Shic, F, Falck-Ytter, T, Chakrabarti, B, Charman, T, Loth, E, Tillmann, J, Banaschewski, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Bölte, S, Buitelaar, J, Durston, S, Orange, A, M, Persico, C, Beckmann, T, Bougeron, F, Dell’Acqua, C, Ecker, C, Moessnang, D, Johnson, M, H, Jones, E, J, H, & the LEAP team, (2021) Preference for biological motion is reduced in ASD: implications for clinical trials and the search for biomarkers. Molecular Autism, 12, 74.
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- Buxbaum, J, D, Baron-Cohen, S, Anagnostou, E, Ashwin, C, Betancur, C, Chakrabarti, B, Crawley, J, N, Hoekstra, R, A, Hof, P, R, Lai, M-C, Lombardo M, V, Schumann, C, M, (2019) Rigor in science and science reporting: updated guidelines for submissions to Molecular Autism. Molecular Autism, 10, 6.
- Conson, M, Senese, V, P, Baiano, C, Zappullo, I, Warrier, V, The UNICAMPSY17 Group, Salzano, S, Positano, M, Baron-Cohen, S, (2019) The effects of autistic traits and academic degree on visuospatial abilities. Cognitive Processing, 21, 127-140.
- Górriz, J, M, Ramírez, J, Segovia, F, Martínez, F, J, Lai, M-C, Lombardo, M, V, Baron-Cohen, S, Suckling, J, (2019) A machine learning approach to reveal the neurophenotypes of autisms. International Journal of Neural Systems, 29, 1850058.
- Griffiths, S, Allison, C, Kenny, R, Holt, R, Smith, P, Baron‐Cohen, S, (2019) The Vulnerability Experiences Quotient (VEQ): A study of vulnerability, mental health and life satisfaction in autistic adults. Autism Research. 10, 1516-1528.
- Guo, X, Simas, T, Lai, M, C, Lombardo, M, V, Chakrabarti, B, Ruigrok, A, N, Bullmore, E, T, Baron‐Cohen, S, Chen, H, Suckling, J, MRC AIMS Consortium, (2019) Enhancement of indirect functional connections with shortest path length in the adult autistic brain. Human Brain Mapping, 40, 5354-5369.
- Haartsen, R, Jones, E, J, H, Orekhova, E, V, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, The BASIS Team, (2019) Functional EEG connectivity in infants associates with later restricted and repetitive behaviours in autism; a replication study. Translational Psychiatry, 9, 1-14.
- Hull, L, Lai, M, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Allison, C, Smith, P, Petrides, K, V, Mandy, W, (2019) Gender differences in self-reported camouflaging in autistic and non-autistic adults. Autism, 24, 352-363.
- Kolesnik, A, Begum Ali, J, Gliga, T, Guiraud, J, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, Jones, E, J, H, The BASIS Team, (2019) Increased cortical reactivity to repeated tones at 8 months in infants with later ASD. Translational Psychiatry, 9, 46.
- Lombardo, M, V, Lai, M-C, Baron-Cohen, S, (2019) Big data approaches to decomposing heterogeneity across the autism spectrum. Molecular Psychiatry, 24, 1435-1450.
- Marchi, E, Schuller, B, Baird, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Lassalle, A, O’Reilly H, Pigat, D, Robinson, P, Davies, I, Baltrušaitis, T, Adams, A, (2019) The ASC-Inclusion Perceptual Serious Gaming Platform for autistic children. IEEE Transactions on Games, 11, 328-339.
- Massrali, A, Brunel, H, Hannon, E, Wong, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Warrier, V, (2019) Integrated genetic and methylomic analyses identify shared biology between autism and autistic traits. Molecular Autism, 10, 31.
- Moseley, R, L, Gregory, N, J, Smith, P, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, (2019) A ‘choice’, an ‘addiction’, a way ‘out of the lost’: exploring self-injury in autistic people without intellectual disability. Molecular Autism, 10, 18.
- Parsons, J, P, Bedford, R, Jones, E, J, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, Gliga, T on behalf of the BASIS Team, (2019) Gaze following and attention to objects in infants at familial risk for ASD. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1799.
- Pasco, G, Davies, K, Ribeiro, H, Tucker, L, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Johnson, M, H, Charman, T, BASIS Team, (2019) Comparison of parent questionnaires, examiner-led assessment and parents’ concerns at 14 months of age as indicators of later diagnosis of Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51, 804-813.
- Pijl, M, K, Bussu, G, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, Jones, E, J, Pasco, G, Oosterling, I, J, Rommelse, N, N, Buitelaar, J, K, the BASIS Team, (2019) Temperament as an Early Risk Marker for Autism Spectrum Disorders? A Longitudinal Study of High-Risk and Low-Risk Infants. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 1825-1836.
- Pote, I, Wang, S, Sethna, V, Blasi, A, Daly, E, Kuklisova-Murgasova, M, Lloyd-Fox, S, Mercure, E, Busuulwa, P, Stoencheva, V, Charman, T, Williams, S, C, R, Johnson, M, H, Murphy, D, G ,M, McAlonan, G, M, The BASIS Team, (2019) Familial risk of autism alters subcortical and cerebellar brain anatomy in infants and predicts the emergence of repetitive behaviors in early childhood. Autism Research, 12, 614-627.
- Richards, G, Kenny, R, Griffiths, S, Allison, C, Mosse, D, Holt, R, O’Connor, R, C, Cassidy, S, Baron-Cohen, S, (2019) Autistic traits in adults who have attempted suicide. Molecular Autism, 10, 26.
- Romero-Garcia, R, Warrier, V, Bullmore, E, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Bethlehem, R, A, (2019) Synaptic and transcriptionally downregulated genes are associated with cortical thickness differences in autism. Molecular Psychiatry, 24, 1053-1064.
- Ruta, L, Chiarotti, F, Arduino, G, M, Apicella, F, Leonardi, E, Maggio, R, Carrozza, C, Chericoni, N, Costanzo, V, Turco, N, Tartarisco, G, Gagliano, A, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Pioggia, G, Muratori, F, (2019) Validation of the Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT) in an Italian clinical sample of young children with Autism and Other Developmental Disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 488.
- Shephard, E, Bedford, R, Milosavljevic, B, Gliga, T, Jones, E, J, Pickles, A, Johnson, M, H, Charman, T, BASIS Team, Baron‐Cohen, S, Bolton, P, (2019) Early developmental pathways to childhood symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60, 963-974.
- Sun, X, Allison, C, Wei, L, Matthews, F, E, Auyeung, B, Wu, Y, Y, Griffiths, S, Zhang, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Brayne, C, (2019) Autism prevalence in China is comparable to Western prevalence. Molecular Autism, 10, 7.
- Tillmann, J, Cáceres, A, S, J, Chatham, C, H, Crawley, D, Holt, R, Oakley, B, Banaschewski, T, Baron‐Cohen, S, Bölte, S, Buitelaar, J, K, Durston, S, (2019) Investigating the factors underlying adaptive functioning in autism in the EU‐AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project. Autism Research, 12, 645-657.
- Uzefovsky, F, Bethlehem, R, A, I, Shamay-Tsoory, S, Ruigrok, A, Holt, R, Spencer M, Chura, L, Warrier, V, Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, Suckling, J, Floris, D, Baron-Cohen, S, (2019) The oxytocin receptor gene predicts brain activity during an emotion recognition task in autism. Molecular Autism, 10, 12.
- van den Heuvel, M, P, Scholtens, L, H, Agosta, F, Alloza, C, Arango, C, Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Basaia, S, Benders, M, J, Beyer, F, Booij, L, Braun, K, P, et al, (2019) 10Kin1day: A bottom-up neuroimaging initiative. Frontiers in Neurology, 10, 425.
- Van Kessel, R, Roman-Urrestarazu, A, Ruigrok, A, Holt, R, Commers, M, Hoekstra, R, A, Czabanowska, K, Brayne, C, Baron-Cohen, S, (2019) Autism and family involvement in the right to education in the EU: policy mapping in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Molecular Autism. Molecular Autism, 10, 43.
- Van Kessel, R, Walsh, S, Ruigrok, A, N, Holt, R, Yliherva, A, Kärnä, E, Moilanen, I, Hjörne, E, Johansson, S, T, Schendel, D, Pedersen, L, (2019) Autism and the right to education in the EU: policy mapping and scoping review of Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Molecular Autism, 10, 44.
- Warrier, V, Baron-Cohen, S, (2019) Childhood trauma, life-time self-harm, and suicidal behaviour and ideation are associated with polygenic scores for autism. Molecular Psychiatry, 26, 1670-1684.
- Warrier, V, Baron-Cohen, S, (2019) Mapping genotype to phenotype in neurodevelopmental copy number variants. The Lancet Psychiatry, 6, 455-456.
- *Warrier, V, Toro, R, Won, H, Leblond, C, Cliquet, F, Delorme, R, De Witte, W, Bralten, J, Chakrabarti, B, Borglum, A, Grove, J, Poelmans, G, Hinds, D, Bourgeron, T, and Baron-Cohen, S (2019) Social and non-social autism symptom and trait domains are genetically dissociable. Communications Biology, 2, 1-13.
- Wenhart, T, Bethlehem, R, A, I, Baron-Cohen S, Altenmüller, E, (2019) Autistic traits, resting-state connectivity, and absolute pitch in professional musicians: shared and distinct neural features. Molecular Autism, 10, 20.
- Zhao, Q, Neumann, D, L, Cao, Y, Baron-Cohen, S, Yan, C, Chan, R, C, K, Shum, D, H, K, (2019) Culture-sex interaction and the self-report empathy in Australians and Mainland Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 396.
- Au-Yeung S, K, Bradley, L, Robertson, A, E, Shaw, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Cassidy, S, (2018) Experience of mental health diagnosis and perceived misdiagnosis in autistic, possibly autistic and non-autistic adults. Autism, 23, 1508-1518.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Klin, A, Silberman, S, Buxbaum, J, D, (2018) Did Hans Asperger actively assist the Nazi euthanasia program? Molecular Autism, 9.
- Bolton, M, J, Ault, L, K, Greenberg, D, M, Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Exploring the human side of meteorology: A brief report on the psychology of meteorologists. Journal of Operational Meteorology, 6, 23-32.
- Bussu, G, Jones, E, J, H, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, Buitelaar, J, K, the BASIS Team, (2018) Prediction of autism at 3 years from behavioural and developmental measures in high-risk infants: a longitudinal cross-domain classifier analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2418-2433.
- Camm-Crosbie, L, Bradley, L, Shaw, R, Baron-Cohen, S Cassidy, S, (2018) ‘People like me don’t get support’: Autistic adults’ experiences of support and treatment for mental health difficulties, self-injury and suicidality. Autism, 23, 1431-1441.
- Carruthers, S, Kinnaird, E, Rudra, A, Smith, P, Allison, C, Auyeung, B, Chakrabarti, B, Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Bakolis, I, Hoekstra, R, A, (2018) A cross-cultural study of autistic traits across India, Japan and the UK. Molecular Autism, 9, 52.
- Cassidy, S, Bradley, L, Shaw, R, Baron-Cohen S, (2018) Risk markers for suicidality in autistic adults. Molecular Autism, 9, 42.
- *Cherskov, A, Pohl, A, Allison, C, Zhang, H, Payne, A, R, Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Polycystic ovary syndrome and autism: A test of the prenatal sex steroid theory. Translational Psychiatry, 8, 136.
- Doherty, B, R, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, Scerif, G, Gliga, T, the BASIS Team, (2018) Visual search and autism symptoms: What young children search for and co-occurring ADHD matter. Developmental Science, 21, e12661.
- Goh, D, A, Gan, D, Kung, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Allison, C, Chen, H, Saw, S, M, Chong, Y, S, Rajadurai, V, S, Tan, K, H, Shek, P, C, L, Yap, F, Broekman, B, F, P, Magiati I, (2018) Child, maternal and demographic factors influencing caregiver-reported autistic trait symptomatology in toddlers. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 1325-1337.
- Grabowski, K, Rynkiewicz, A, Lassalle, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Schuller, B, Cummins, N, Baird, A, Podgórska-Bednarz, J, Pieniążek, A, Łucka, I, (2018) Emotional expression in psychiatric conditions: New technology for clinicians. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 73, 50-62.
- Greenberg, D, M, Baron-Cohen, S, Rosenberg, N, Fonagy, P, Rentfrow, P, J, (2018) Elevated empathy in adults following childhood trauma. PLoS ONE, 13, e0203886.
- *Greenberg, D, M, Warrier, V, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Testing the Empathizing-Systemizing theory of sex differences and the Extreme Male Brain theory of autism in half a million people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115,12152-12157.
- Hendry, A, Jones, E, J, H, Bedford, R, Gliga, T, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, the BASIS Team, (2018) Developmental change in look durations predicts later effortful control in toddlers at familial risk for ASD. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 10, 3.
- Holt, R, Upadhyay, J, Smith, P, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Chakrabarti, B, (2018) The Cambridge Sympathy Test: Self-reported sympathy and distress in autism. PLoS ONE, 13, e0198273.
- Hughes, J, E, Ward, J, Gruffydd, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Smith, P, Allison, C, Simner, J, (2018) Savant syndrome has a distinct psychological profile in autism. Molecular Autism, 9, 53.
- Hull, L, Mandy, W, Lai, M, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Allison, C, Smith, P, Petrides, K, V, (2018) Development and validation of the camouflaging autistic traits questionnaire (CAT-Q). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 819-833.
- Isaksson, J, Tammimies, K, Neufeld, J, Cauvet, É, Lundin, K, Buitelaar, J, K, Loth, E, Murphy, D, G, M, Spooren, W, Bölte, W, the EU-AIMS LEAP group, (2018) EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): the autism twin cohort. Molecular Autism, 9, 26.
- Kidron, R, Kaganovskiy, L, Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Empathizing-Systemizing cognitive styles: Effects of sex and academic degree. PLoS ONE, 13, e0194515.
- Lago, S, G, Tomasik, J, van Rees, G, F, Ramsey, J, M, Haenisch, F, Cooper, J, D, Broek, J, A, Suarez-Pinilla, P, Ruland, T, Auyeug, B, Mikova, O, Kabacs, N, Arolt, V, Baron-Cohen, S, Crespo-Facorro, B, Bahn, S, (2018) Exploring the neuropsychiatric spectrum using high-content functional analysis of single-cell signaling networks. Molecular Psychiatry, 10, 2355-2372.
- Lai, M, C, Lombardo, M, V, Chakrabarti, B, Ruigrok, A, N, Bullmore, E, T, Suckling, J, Auyeung, B, Happé, F, Szatmari, P, Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Neural self-representation in autistic women and association with ‘compensatory camouflaging’, Autism, 23, 1210-1223.
- Lassalle, A, Pigat, D, O’Reilly, H, Berggen, S, Fridenson-Hayo, S, Tal, S, Elfström, S, Råde, A, Golan, O, Bölte, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Lundqvist, D, (2018) The EU-emotion voice database. Behavior Research Methods, 51. 493-506.
- Lazzaro, S, C, Weidinger, L, Cooper, R, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Moutsiana, C, Sharot, T, (2018) Social Conformity in Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 1304-1315.
- Lloyd-Fox, S, Blasi, A, Pasco, G, Gliga, T, Jones, E, J, H, Murphy, D, G, M, Elwell, C, E, Charman, T, Johnson, M, H, BASIS Team, (2018) Cortical responses before 6 months of life associate with later autism. European Journal of Neuroscience, 47, 736-749.
- Lombardo, M, Auyeung, B, Pramparo, T, Quartier, A, Courraud, J, Holt, R, J, Waldman, J, Ruigrok, A, N, V, Mooney, N, Bethlehem, R, A, I, Lai, M-C, Kundu, P, Bullmore, E, T, Mandel, J-L, Piton, A, Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Sex-specific impact of prenatal androgens on social brain default mode subsystems. Molecular Psychiatry, 25, 2175-2188.
- Nobili, A, Glazebrook, C, Bouman, W, P, Glidden, D, Baron-Cohen, S, Allison, C, Smith, P, Arcelus, J, (2018) Autistic traits in treatment-seeking transgender adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 3984–3994.
- Oldehinkel, M, Mennes, M, Marquand, A, Charman, T, Tillmann, J, Ecker, C, Dell’Acqua, F, Brandeis, D, Banaschewski, T, Baumeister, S, Moessnang, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Holt, R, Bolte, S, Durston, S, Kundu, P, Lombardo, M, V, Spooren, W, Loth, E, Murphy, D, G, M, Beckman, C, F, Buitelaar, J K, the EU-AIMS LEAP Group, (2018) Altered connectivity between cerebellum, visual, and sensory-motor networks in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Results from the EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4, 260-270.
- Salomone, E, Shephard, E, Milosavljevic, B, Johnson, M, H, Charman, T, the BASIS Team, (2018) Adaptive behaviour and cognitive skills: stability and change from 7 months to 7 years in siblings at high familial risk of autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2901–2911.
- Thomson, N, D, San Kuay, H, Baron-Cohen, S, Towl, G, J, (2018) The impact of maternal incarceration on their daughter’s empathy. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 56, 10-16.
- *Tilot, A, K, Kucera, K, S, Vino, A, Asher, J, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Fisher, S, E, (2018) Rare variants in axonogenesis genes connect three families with sound-color synesthesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 3168-73.
- Warrier, V, Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Genetic contribution to ‘theory of mind’ in adolescence. Scientific Reports, 8, 3465.
- *Warrier, V, Grasby, K, L, Uzefovsky, F, Toro, R, Smith, P, Chakrabarti, B, Khadake, J, Mawbey-Adamson, E, Litteman, N, Hottenga, J-J, Lubke, G, Boomsma, D, I, Martin, N, G, Hatemi, P, K, Medland, S, E, Hinds, D, A, Bourgeron, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Genome-wide meta-analysis of cognitive empathy: heritability, and correlates with sex, neuropsychiatric conditions and cognition. Molecular Psychiatry, 23, 1402–1409.
- Warrier, V, Toro, R, Chakrabarti, B, the iPSYCH-Broad autism group, Børglum, A, D, Grove, J, the 23andMe Research Team, Hinds, D, A, Bourgeron, T, Baron-Cohen, S, (2018) Genome-wide analyses of self-reported empathy: correlations with autism, schizophrenia, and anorexia nervosa. Translational Psychiatry, 8, 1-10.
- Zabihi, M, Oldehinkel, M, Wolfers, T, Frouin, V, Goyard, D, Loth, E, Charman, T, Tillmann, J, Banaschewski, T, Dumas, G, Holt, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Durston, S, Bolte, D, Murphy, D, Ecker, C, Buitelaar, J, K, Beckmann, C, F, Marquand, A, F, (2018) Dissecting the heterogeneous cortical anatomy of autism spectrum disorder using normative models. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. Biological Psychiatry Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4, 567-578.
- Adhya, D, Annuario, E, Lancaster, M, Price, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Srivastava, D, (2017) Understanding role of steroids in typical and atypical brain development: Advantages of using a “brain in a dish” approach. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 30,e12547.
- Andrews, D, Avino, T, Gudbrandsen, M, Daly, E, Marquand, A, Murphy, C, Lai, M-C, Lombardo, M, Ruigrok, A, Williams, S, Bullmore, E, The MRC AIMS Consortium, Suckling, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Craig, M, Murphy, D, & Ecker, C, (2017) In vivo evidence of reduced integrity of the gray-white matter boundary in autism spectrum disorder. Cerebral Cortex, 27,877-887.
- Ashwin, C, Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2017) Differences in change blindness to real-life scenes in adults with autism spectrum conditions. PLoS ONE, 12, e0185120.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2017) The eyes as window to the mind. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 174, 1.
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- Bethlehem, R, Allison, C, van Andel, E, Coles, A, Neil, K, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2016) Does empathy predict altruism in the wild? Social Neuroscience, 12, 743-750.
- Bethlehem, R, Lombardo, M, Lai, M-C, Auyeung, B, Crockford, S, Deakin, J, Soubramanian, S, Sule, A, Kundu, P, Voon, V, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2017) Intranasal oxytocin enhances intrinsic corticostriatal functional connectivity in women. Transitional Psychiatry, 7, e1099.
- Bethlehem, R, Romero-Garcia, R, Mak, E, Bullmore, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2017) Structural covariance networks in children with autism or ADHD. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 4267-4276.
- Carlisi, C, O, Norman, L, Murphy, C, M, Christakou, A, Chantiluke, K, Giampietro, V, Simmons, A, Brammer, M, Murphy, D, G, Mataix-Cols, D, Rubia, K, MRC AIMS Consortium, (2017) Shared and disorder-specific neurocomputational mechanisms of decision-making in autism spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 5804-5816.
- Charman, T, Loth, E, Tillmann, J, Crawley, D, Wooldridge, C, Goyard, D, Ahmad, J, Auyeung, B, Ambrosino, S, Banaschewski, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Baumeister, S, Beckmann, C, Bölte, S, Bourgeron, T, Bours, C, Brammer, M, Brandeis, D, Brogna, C, de Bruijn, Y, Chakrabarti, B, Cornelissen, I, Dell’ Acqua, F, Dumas, G, Durston, S, Ecker, C, Faulkner, J, Frouin, V, Garcés, P, Ham, L, Hayward, H, Hipp, J, Holt, R, Isaksson, J, Johnson, M, Jones, E, Kundu, P, Lai, M-C, D’ardhuy, X, Lombardo, M, Lythgoe, D, Mandl, R, Mason, L, Meyer-Lindenberg, A, Moessnang, C, Mueller, N, O’Dwyer, L, Oldehinkel, M, Oranje, B, Pandina, G, Persico, A, Ruggeri, B, Ruigrok, A, Sabet, J, Sacco, R, San José Cáceres, A, Simonoff, E, Toro, R, Tost, H, Waldman, J, Williams, S, Zwiers, M, Spooren, W, Murphy, D, Buitelaar, J, (2017) The EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): clinical characterisation. Molecular Autism, 8, 27.
- Cooper, R, Plaisted-Grant, K, Baron-Cohen, S, & Simons, J, (2017) Eye movements reveal a dissociation between memory encoding and retrieval in adults with autism. Cognition, 159, 127-138.
- Cooper, R, Richter, F, Bays, P, Plaisted-Grant, K, Baron-Cohen, S, & Simons, J, (2017) Reduced hippocampal functional connectivity during episodic memory retrieval in autism. Cerebal Cortex, 27, 888-902.
- Dudas, R, Lovejoy, C, Cassidy, S, Allison, C, Smith, P, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2017) The overlap between autism spectrum conditions and borderline personality disorder. PLoS ONE, 12, e0184447.
- Ecker, C, Andrews, D, Gudbrandsen, C, Marquand, A, Ginestet, C, Daly, E, Murphy, C, Lai, M-C, Lombardo, M, Ruigrok, A, Bullmore, E, Suckling, J, Williams, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Craig, M, & Murphy, D; for the MRC AIMS Consortium, (2017) Association between the probability of autism spectrum disorder and the normative sex-related phenotypic diversity in brain structure. JAMA Psychiatry, 74, 329-338.
- Ewbank, M, Pell, P, Powell, T, von dem Hagen, E, Baron-Cohen, S, & Calder, A, (2016) Repetition suppression and memory for faces is reduced in adults with autism spectrum conditions. Cerebral Cortex, 27, 92-103.
- Farmer, G, Baron-Cohen, S, & Skylark, W, (2017) People with autism spectrum conditions make more consistent decisions. Psychological Science, 28, 1067-1076.
- Fridenson-Hayo, S, Berggren, S, Lassalle, A, Tal, S, Pigat, D, Meir-Goren, N, O’Reilly, H, Ben-Zur, S, Bölte, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Golan, O, (2017) ‘Emotiplay’: a serious game for learning about emotions in children with autism: results of a cross-cultural evaluation. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 26, 979-992.
- Green, J, Pickles, A, Pasco, G, Bedford, R, Wan, M, W, Elsabbagh, M, Slonims, V,Gliga T, Jones, E, Cheung, C, Charman, T, Johnson, M, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, Davies, K, Liew, M, Fernandes, J, Gammer, I, Salomone, E, Ribeiro, H, Tucker, L, Taylor, C, Booth, R, Harrop, C, Holsgrove, S, McNally, J, (2017) Randomised trial of a parent-mediated intervention for infants at high risk for autism: longitudinal outcomes to age 3 years. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58, 1330-40.
- Hughes, J, Simner, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Treffert, D, & Ward, J, (2017) Is synaesthesia more prevalent in autism spectrum conditions? Only where there is prodigious talent. Multisensory Research, 30, 391-408.
- Hull, L, Petrides, KV, Allison, C, Smith, P, Baron-Cohen, S, Lai, M-C, Mandy, W, (2017) “Putting on my best normal”: social camouflaging in adults with autism spectrum conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47, 2519-2534.
- Lai, M-C, Lerch, J, Floris, D, Ruigrok, A, Pohl, A, Lombardo, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2017) Imaging sex/gender and autism in the brain: etiological implications. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 95, 380-397.
- Lai, M-C, Lombardo, M, Ruigrok, A, Chakrabarti, B, Auyeung, B, Szatmari, P, Happé, F, & Baron-Cohen, S, MRC AIMS Consortium, (2016) Quantifying and exploring camouflaging in men and women with autism. Autism, 21, 690-702.
- Larson, F, Wagner, A, Jones, P, Tantam, D, Lai, M-C, Baron-Cohen, S, & Holland, A, (2017) Psychosis in autism: comparison of the features of both conditions in a dually affected cohort. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 210, 269-275.
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- Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) The evolution and diagnosis of empathy. The Evolutionary Review, 2, 55-57.
- *Baron-Cohen, S, Lombardo, M, Auyeung, B, Ashwin, E, Chakrabarti, B, & Knickmeyer, R, (2011) Why are autism spectrum conditions more prevalent in males? PLoS Biology, 9, e1001081. And Supplementary Material to ‘Why are autism spectrum conditions more prevalent in males?’
- Catarino, A, Churches, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Andrade, A, & Ring, H, (2011) Atypical EEG complexity in autism spectrum conditions: a multiscale entropy analysis. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122, 2375-83.
- Chakrabarti, B, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Variation in the human cannabinoid receptor CNR1 gene modulates gaze duration for happy faces. Molecular Autism, 2, 10.
- Curran, S, Dworzynski, K, Happé, F, Ronald, A, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Brayne, C, & Bolton, P, F, (2011) No major effect of twinning on autistic traits. Autism Research, 4, 377-382.
- Damiano, C, Churches, O, Ring, H, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) The development of perceptual expertise for faces and objects in autism spectrum conditions. Autism Research, 4, 297-301.
- Elsabbagh M, Holmboe K, Gliga T, Mercure E, Hudry K, Charman T, Baron-Cohen S, Bolton P, Johnson MH, The BASIS Team (2011) Social and attention factors during infancy and the later emergence of autism characteristics. Progress in Brain Research, 189,195-207.
- Guiraud, J, Kushnerenko, E, Tomalski, P, Davies, K, Ribeiro, H, Johnson, M, & The BASIS Team, (2011) Differential habituation to repeated sounds in infants at high risk for autism. NeuroReport, 22, 845-849.
- Hoekstra, R, Vinkhuyzen, A, Wheelwright, S, Bartels, M, Boomsma, D, Baron-Cohen, S, Posthuma, D, van der Sluis, S, (2011) The construction and validation of an abridged version of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-Short) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41, 589-596.
- Lai, M, Lombardo, M, Pasco, G, Ruigrok, A, Wheelwright, S, Sadek, S, Chakrabarti, B, the MRC AIMS Consortium, & Baron-Cohen, S (2011) A behavioural comparison of male and female adults with high functioning autism spectrum conditions. PLoS ONE, 6, e20835.
- Lombardo, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) The role of the self in mindblindness in autism. Consciousness & Cognition, 20, 130-140.
- Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti; B, Bullmore, E, the MRC AIMS Consortium, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011). Specialization of right temporo-parietal junction for mentalizing and its relation to social impairments in autism. NeuroImage, 56, 1832-1838.
- Preti, A, Vellante, M, Baron-Cohen, S, Zucca, G, Petretto, D, R, & Masala, C, (2011) The Empathy Quotient: a cross-cultural comparison of the Italian version. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 16, 50-70.
- Ruta, L, Ingudomnukul, E, Taylor, E, Chakrabarti, B, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Increased serum androstenedione in adults with autism spectrum conditions. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 1154-1163.
- *Schwarz, E, Guest P, Rahmoune, H, Wang, L, Levin, Y, Ingudomnukul, E, Ruta, L, Kent, L, Spain, M, Baron-Cohen, S, & Bahn, S, (2011) Sex-specific serum biomarker patterns in adults with Asperger’s Syndrome. Molecular Psychiatry,16, 1213-1220.
- Spencer, M, Holt, R, Chura, L, Suckling, J, Calder, A, Bullmore, E, Baron-Cohen, S (2011) A novel functional brain imaging endophenotype of autism: the neural response to facial expression of emotion. Translational Psychiatry, 1, e19.
- Tavassoli, T, Latham, K, Bach, M, Dakin, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Psychophysical measures of visual acuity in autism spectrum conditions. Vision Research, 51, 1778-1780.
- van Honk, J, Schuttera, D, Bosa, P, Kruijtc, A, Lentjes, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Testosterone administration impairs cognitive empathy in women depending on second-to-fourth digit ratio. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108, 3448-3452.
- Auyeung, B, Taylor, K, Hackett, G, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Foetal testosterone and autistic traits in 18 to 24-month-old children, Molecular Autism, 1:11.
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- Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Neonatal free testosterone and head circumference: need for replication. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52, 696.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Golan, O, Wheelwright, S, Granadar, Y & Hill, J, (2010) Emotion word comprehension from 4 to 16 years old: a developmental study. Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, 2, 109.
- Belmonte, M, Gomot, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Visual attention in autism families: ‘unaffected’ sibs share atypical frontal activation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 259-276
- Buxbaum, J & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Molecular Autism: accelerating and integrating research into neurodevelopmental conditions. Molecular Autism, 1, 1.
- Buxbaum, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Devlin, B, (2010) Genetics in psychiatry: common variant association studies. Molecular Autism, 1,6.
- Chura, L, Lombardo, M, Ashwin, E, Auyeung, B, Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Organizational effects of fetal testosterone on human corpus callosum size and asymmetry. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35, 122-132.
- Churches, O, Wheelwright, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Ring, H, (2010) The N170 is not modulated by attention in autism spectrum disorders. Neuroreport, 21, 399-403.
- Ecker, C, Rocha-Rego, V, Johnston, P, Mourao-Miranda, J, Marquand, A, Daly, E, Brammer, M, Murphy, C, Murphy, D, and the MRC AIMS Consortium (2010) Investigating the predictive value of whole-brain structural MR scans in autism: a pattern classification approach. NeuroImage, 49, 44-56.
- Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Ashwin, E, Granader, Y, McClintock, S, Day, K, & Leggett, V, (2010) Enhancing emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum conditions: an intervention using animated vehicles with real emotional faces. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 269-279.
- Hoekstra R, Happé F, Baron-Cohen S, Ronald A, (2010) Limited genetic covariance between autistic traits and intelligence: findings from a longitudinal twin study. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B, 153B, 994-1007.
- Holmboe, K, Elsabbagh, M, Volein, A, Tucker, L, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, Charman, T, Johnson, M, (2010) Frontal cortex functioning in the infant broader autism phenotype. Infant Behavior and Development, 33, 482-491.
- Lai, M-C, Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti, B, Sadek, S, Pasco, G, Wheelwright, S, Bullmore, E, Baron-Cohen, S, MRC Aims Consortium & Suckling, J, (2010) A shift to randomness of brain oscillations in people with autism. Biological Psychiatry, 68, 1092-1099.
- Lombardo, M, Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Unraveling the paradox of the autistic self. Wiley Interscience Reviews (WIRES), 1, 393-403.
- Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, Sadek, S, Pasco, G, Wheelwright, S, Suckling, J, MRC AIMS Consortium & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Atypical neural self-representation in autism. Brain, 133, 611-624.
- Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, & Wheelwright, S, Sadek, S, Suckling, J, MRC AIMS Consortium & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Shared neural circuits for mentalizing about the self and others. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 277, 1623-1635.
- Manning, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Fink, B, (2010) Is digit ratio (2D:3D) related to systemizing and empathizing? Evidence from direct finger measurements reported in the BBC Internet Survey. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 767-771.
- Manning, J, Reimers, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, and Fink, B, (2010) Sexually dimorphic traits (digit ratio, body height, systemizing-empathizing scores) and gender segregation between occupations: Evidence from the BBC Internet study. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 511-515.
- Wheelwright, S, Auyeung, B, Allison, C, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2010) Defining the broader, medium and narrow autism phenotype among parents using the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Molecular Autism, 1, 10.
- Asher, J, Lamb, J, A, Brocklebank, D, Cazier, J-B, Maestrini, E, Addis, L, Sen, M, Baron-Cohen, S, & Monaco, A, P, (2009) A whole-genome scan and fine-mapping linkage study of auditory-visual synaesthesia reveals evidence of linkage to chromosomes 2q24, 5q33, 6p12 and 12p12. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 84, 279-285.
- Ashwin, E, Ashwin, C, Tavassoli, T, Chakrabarti, B, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) In reply to Commentary by Bach et al: Eagle-eyed visual acuity in autism. Biological Psychiatry, 66, e23-e24.
- Ashwin, C, Ricciardelli, P, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Positive and negative of gaze perception in autism spectrum conditions. Social Neuroscience, 4, 153-164.
- Ashwin E, Ashwin, C, Rhydderch, D, Howells, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Eagle-eyed visual acuity: an experimental investigation of enhanced perception in autism. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 17-21.
- Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Ashwin, E, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K, Hackett, G & Hines, M, (2009) Fetal testosterone predicts sexually differentiated childhood behavior in girls and boys. Psychological Science, 20, 144-148.
- *Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Chapman, E, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K & Hackett, G, (2009) Fetal testosterone and autistic traits. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 1-22.
- Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Allison, C, Samarwickrema, N, Satcher, M, & Atkinson, M (2009) The Children’s Empathy Quotient and Systemizing Quotient: sex differences in typical development and in autism spectrum conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39, 1509-1521.
- Barnes, J, Lombardo, M, Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Moral dilemmas film task: a study of spontaneous narratives by individuals with autism spectrum conditions. Autism Research, 2, 148-156.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Autism: the empathising-systemising (E-S) theory. Psychology Review, 14, 2-5.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) The empathizing-systemizing theory of autism: implications for education. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 14, 4-13.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Ashwin, E, Ashwin, C, Tavassoli, T, & Chakrabarti, B, (2009) Talent in autism: hyper-systemizing, hyper-attention to detail, and sensory hypersensitivity. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, Series B, 364, 1377-1383.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Auyeung, B, Ashwin, E, Knickmeyer, R, (2009) Reply to commentaries on Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Chapman, E, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K, & Hackett, G, (2009) Foetal testosterone and autistic traits. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 39-47.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Golan, O, & Ashwin, E, (2009) Can emotion recognition be taught to children with autism spectrum conditions? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364, 3567-3574.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Golan, O, & Ashwin, E, (2009) Can empathy be taught? The Transporters: animation to teach children with autism to recognise emotions. Autism Spectrum Quarterly, Winter, 15-18.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Scott, F, J, Allison, C, Williams, J, Bolton, P, Matthews, F, E, & Brayne, C, (2009) Prevalence of autism-spectrum conditions: UK school-based population study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 194, 500-509.
- Chakrabarti, B, Hill-Cawthorne, G, Dudridge, F, Kent, L, Wheelwright, S, Allison, C, Banerjee-Basu, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Genes related to sex-steroids, neural growth and social-emotional behaviour are associated with autistic traits, empathy and Asperger Syndrome. Autism Research, 2,157-177.
- Churches, O, Baron-Cohen, S, and Ring, H, (2009) Seeing face-like objects: an event-related potential study. NeuroReport, 20, 1290-1294.
- Elsabbagh, M, Volein, A, Csibra, G, Holmboe, K, Garwood, H, Tucker, L, Krijes, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, Charman, T, Baird, G & Johnson, M, H, (2009) Neural correlates of eye gaze processing in the infant broader autism phenotype. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 31-38.
- Elsabbagh, M, Volein, A, Holmboe, K, Tucker, L, Csibra, G, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, Charman, T, Baird, G, Johnson, M (2009) Visual orienting in the early broader autism phenotype: disengagement and facilitation Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 637–642.
- Hoekstra, R, A, Happé, F, Baron-Cohen, S, Ronald, A, (2009) Association between extreme autistic traits and intellectual disability: insights from a general population twin study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195, 531-536. Erratum: British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, 77.
- Levin, Y, Wang, L, Ingudomnukul, E, Schwarz, E, Baron-Cohen S, Palotas, A, Bahn S (2009) Real-time evaluation of experimental variation in large-scale LC–MS/MS-based quantitative proteomics of complex samples. Journal of Chromatography B, 877, 1299-1305.
- Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti, B, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) What neuro-imaging and perceptions of self-other similarity can tell us about the mechanism underlying mentalizing. Commentary on Carruthers, P, (2009). How we know our own minds: the relationship between mindreading and meta-cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32, 152-153.
- Lombardo, M, Chakarabarti, B, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Editorial: the amygdala in autism: not adapting to faces? American Journal of Psychiatry, 166, 395-397.
- Mercure, E, Ashwin, E, Dick, F, Halit, H, Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, & Johnson, M, H, (2009) IQ, fetal testosterone and individual variability in children’s functional lateralization. Neuropsychologia, 47, 2537-2543.
- Minio-Paluello I, Baron-Cohen S, Avenanti A, Walsh V, Aglioti S, M, (2009). Absence of embodied empathy during pain observation in Asperger Syndrome. Biological Psychiatry, 65, 55-62.
- Minio-Paluello, I, Lombardo, M, Chakrabarti, B, Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) In reply to Letter by Smith: Emotional empathy in autism spectrum conditions: weak, intact, or heightened? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39, 1649-1754.
- Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Charman, T, Richler, J, Pasco, G & Brayne, C, (2008) The Q-CHAT (Quantitative CHecklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT): a normally distributed quantitative measure of autistic traits at 18-24months of age: preliminary report. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1414-1425.
- Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Allison, C, (2008) The Autism Spectrum Quotient: Children’s Version (AQ-Child). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1230-1240.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Autism, hypersystemizing and truth. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 64-75.
- Billington, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Bor, D, (2008) Systemizing influences attentional processes during the Navon task: an fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 46, 511-520.
- Chakrabarti, B, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Can the shared circuits model (SCM) explain joint attention or perception of discrete emotions? Commentary on Hurley, S, (2008) The shared circuits model (SCM): how control, mirroring and simulation can enable imitation, deliberation and mind reading. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 31, 1-22, Commentary 24-25.
- Colle, L, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S & van der Lely, H (2008) Narrative discourse in adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 28-40.
- Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Hill, J, J, & Golan, Y, (2008) The ‘Reading the Mind in Films’ task (Child Version): complex emotion and mental state recognition in children with and without autism spectrum conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1534-1541.
- Gomot, M, Belmonte, M, K, Bullmore, E, T, Bernard, F, A, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Brain hyper-reactivity to auditory novel targets in children with high-functioning autism. Brain, 131, 2479-2488.
- Knickmeyer, R, Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Sex-typical play: masculinization/defeminization in girls with an autism spectrum condition. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1028-1035.
- Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Auyeung, B, Ashwin, E, (2008) How to test the Extreme Male Brain Theory of Autism in terms of foetal androgens? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 995-996.
- Owens, G, Granader, Y, Humphrey, A, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) LEGO® therapy and the social use of language programme: an evaluation of two social-skills interventions for children with high functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1944-1957.
- Ring, H, Woodbury-Smith, M, Watson, P, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2008) Clinical heterogeneity among people with high-functioning autism spectrum conditions: evidence favouring a continuous severity gradient. Behavior and Brain Functions, 4, 1-6.
- Williams, J, Allison, C, Scott, F, Bolton, P, Baron-Cohen, S, Matthews, F, E, & Brayne, C, (2008) The Childhood Autism Spectrum Test (CAST): sex differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1731-1739.
- Allison, C, Williams, J, Scott, F, Stott, C, Bolton, P, Baron-Cohen, S, & Brayne, C, (2007) The Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST): test-retest reliability in a high scoring sample. Autism, 11, 173-185.
- Ashwin, C, Baron-Cohen, S, O’Riordan, M, Wheelwright, S, & Bullmore, E, T, (2007)Differential activation of the amygdala and the ‘social brain’ during fearful face-processing in Asperger Syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 45, 2-14.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Review: Autism. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation, 7, 10.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) About 1% of children in the South Thames region have an autistic spectrum disorder. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 10, 28.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Schadenfreude and gloating: localized? Journal Watch Neurology, 10, 1. Commentary on Shamay-Tsoory, S, G, Tibi-Elhanany, Y, & Aharon-Peretz, J, The green-eyed monster and malicious joy: the neuroanatomical bases of envy and gloating (schadenfreude), Brain, 2007, 130, 1663.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Bor, D, Billington, J, Asher, J, Wheelwright, S, & Ashwin, C, (2007) Savant memory in a man with colour form-number synaesthesia and Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14, 237-251.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Burtenshaw, A, Hobson, E, (2007) Mathematical talent is linked to autism. Human Nature, 18, 125-131.
- Billington, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2007) Cognitive style predicts entry into physical sciences and humanities: questionnaire and performance tests of empathy and systemizing. Learning and Individual Differences, 17, 260-268.
- Bor, D, Billington, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Savant memory for digits in a case of synaesthesia and Asperger Syndrome is related to hyperactivity in the lateral prefrontal cortex Neurocase, 13, 311-319.
- Colle, L, Baron-Cohen, S, & Hill, J, J, (2007) Do children with autism have a theory of mind? A non-verbal test of autism vs. specific language impairment. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 716-723.
- Colle, L, Mate, D, Del Giudice, M, Ashwin, C, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Children’s understanding of intentional vs. non-intentional action. Journal of Cognitive Science, 8, 37-63.
- Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Hill,J, J, & Rutherford, M, (2007) The ‘Reading the Mind in the Voice’ test-revised: a study of complex emotion recognition in adults with and without autism spectrum conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 1096-1106.
- Herrington, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Singh, K, D, Bullmore, E, T, Brammer, M, & Williams, S, C, R, (2007) The role of MT+/V5 during biological motion perception in Asperger Syndrome: an fRMI study. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1, 14-27.
- Ingudomnukul, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Knickmeyer, R, (2007) Elevated rates of testosterone-related disorders in women with autism spectrum conditions. Hormones and Behavior, 5, 597-604
- La Cava, P, G, Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, & Smith Myles, B, (2007) Using assistive technology to teach emotion recognition to students with Asperger Syndrome: a pilot study. Remedial and Special Education, 28, 174-181.
- Lombardo, M, Barnes, J, L, Wheelwright, S & Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Self-referential cognition and empathy in autism. PLoS ONE, 2, e883.
- Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Uchiyama, T, Tojo, Y, Yoshida, Y, Kuroda, M, & Wheelwright, S, (2007) The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Children’s Version in Japan: a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 491-500.
- Wakabayashi, A, Uchiyama, T, Tojo, Y, Yoshida, M, Kuroda, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2007) The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Japanese children’s version: comparison between high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders and normal controls. Japanese Journal of Psychology, 77, 534-540.
- Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Uchiyama, T, Yoshida, Y, Kuroda, M & Wheelwright, S, (2007) Empathizing and systemizing in adults with and without Autism Spectrum Conditions: cross-cultural stability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 1823-1832.
- Asher, J, E, Aitken, M, R, F, Farooqi, N, Kurmani, S, Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Diagnosing and phenotyping visual synaesthesia: a preliminary evaluation of the revised Test of Genuineness (TOG-R). Cortex, 42, 137-146.
- Ashwin, C, Wheelwright, S, and Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Finding a face in the crowd: testing the anger superiority effect in Asperger Syndrome. Brain and Cognition, 61, 78-95.
- Ashwin, C, Wheelwright, S, and Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Attention bias to faces in Asperger Syndrome: a pictorial emotional Stroop study. Psychological Medicine, 36, 835-843.
- Ashwin, C, Chapman, E, Colle, L & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Impaired recognition of negative basic emotions in autism: a test of the amygdala theory. Social Neuroscience, 1, 349-363.
- Auyeung, B, Baron-Cohen, S, Chapman, E, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K & Hackett, G, (2006) Foetal testosterone and the Child Systemizing Quotient (SQ-C). European Journal of Endocrinology, 155, 123-130.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Two new theories of autism: hyper-systemizing and assortative mating. Archives of Diseases in Childhood, 91, 2-5.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Mindreading: evidence for both innate and acquired factors. Journal of Anthropological Psychology, 17, 57-59.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) The hyper-systemizing, assortative mating theory of autism. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 30, 865-872.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) E-Letter: autism could be due to maternal testosterone. In reply to Howard, J, M, E-Letter: This could be due to maternal testosterone. Archives of Diseases in Childhood. 1st February.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) E-Letter: Cultural bias and measures of systemizing. In reply to Muurinen, J-M, E-Letter: What is innate? Responding to Lawrence, P, A, Men, Women and Ghosts in Science. PLoS Biology, 26th January.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) E-Letter: gender-neutral terminology. In reply to Faulkner, M, A E-Letter: Terminology influences response. PLOS, 26th January.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Sex and systemising. Letter in reply to Mosley, E, December 2005. The Psychologist, 19, 80.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Hoekstra, R, Knickmeyer, R, & Wheelwright, S, (2006) The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ)-Adolescent Version. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36, 343-350.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Klin, A (2006) Editorial: What’s so special about Asperger Syndrome? Brain and Cognition, 61, 1-4.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Knickmeyer, R, & Belmonte, M, (2006) Letter to the Editor. Response to Ronald, Happe, & Plomin “Genetic Research into Autism”. Science, 311, 952
- Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Chitnis, X, Wheelwright, S, Gregory, L, Williams, S, Brammer, M, Bullmore, E, (2006) fMRI of parents of children with Asperger Syndrome: a pilot study. Brain and Cognition, 61, 122-130.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Scott, F, Wheelwright, S, Johnson, M, Bisarya, D, Desai, A, & Ahluwalia, J (2006) Can Asperger Syndrome be diagnosed at 26 months old? A genetic high-risk single-case study. Journal of Child Neurology, 21, 351-356.
- Chakrabarti, B, Kent, L, Suckling, J, Bullmore, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Variations in the human cannabinoid receptor (CNR1) gene modulate striatal response to happy faces. European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 1944-1948.
- Chakrabarti, B, Bullmore, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Empathizing with basic emotions: common and discrete neural substrates. Social Neuroscience, 1, 364-384.
- Chapman, E, Baron-Cohen, S, Auyeung, B, Knickmeyer, R, Taylor, K & Hackett, G (2006) Fetal testosterone and empathy: evidence from the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ test. Social Neuroscience, 1, 135-148.
- Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, & Hill, J, J, (2006) The Cambridge Mindreading (CAM) Face-Voice Battery: testing complex emotion recognition in adults with and without Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36, 169-183.
- Golan, O & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Systemizing empathy: teaching adults with Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism to recognize complex emotions using interactive multimedia. Development & Psychopathology, 18, 591-617.
- Golan, O, Baron-Cohen, S, Hill, J, J, & Golan, Y (2006) The ‘Reading the Mind in Films’ task: complex emotion recognition in adults with and without autism spectrum conditions. Social Neuroscience, 1, 111-123.
- Gomot, M, Bernard, F, Davis, M, H, Belmonte, M, K, Ashwin, C, Bullmore, E, T, Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Change detection in children with autism: an auditory event-related fMRI study. NeuroImage, 29, 475-495.
- el Kaliouby, R, Picard, R & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Affective computing and autism. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1093, 228-248.
- Kent, L, Chinnery, P, F, Lambert, C, Pyle, A, Elliott, H, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2006) The mitochondrial DNA A3243A>G mutation must be an infrequent cause of Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 149, 280-281.
- Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Raggatt, P & Taylor, K (2006) Fetal testosterone and empathy. Hormones & Behaviour, 49, 282-292.
- Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Fane, B, A, Wheelwright, S, Mathews, G, Conway, G, Brook, C, & Hines, M, (2006) Androgens and autistic traits: a study of individuals with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Hormones and Behaviour, 50, 148-153.
- Knickmeyer, R, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Fetal testosterone and sex differences in typical social development and in autism. Journal of Child Neurology, 21, 825-845.
- Knickmeyer, R, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Fetal testosterone and sex differences. Early Human Development, 82, 755-760.
- Knickmeyer, R, Hoekstra, R, Wheelwright, S & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Age of menarche in females with autism spectrum conditions. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 48, 1007-1008.
- Ronald, A, Happé, F, Bolton, P, Butcher, L, Wheelwright, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Plomin, R, (2006) Genetic heterogeneity between the three components of the autism spectrum: a twin study. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 691-699.
- Ronald, A, Happe, F, Price, T, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Plomin, R, (2006) Phenotypic and genetic overlap between autistic traits at the extremes of the general population. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 1206-1214.
- Saxe, R & Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Editorial: The neuroscience of theory of mind. Social Neuroscience, 1, i-ix.
- Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Tojo, Y (2006) The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) in Japan: a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36, 263-270.
- Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2006) Are autistic traits an independent personality dimension? A study of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) and NEO-PI-R. Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 873-883.
- Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Goldenfeld, N, Delaney, J, Fine, D, Smith, R & Weil, L (2006) Development of short forms of the Empathy Quotient (EQ-Short) and the Systemizing Quotient (SQ-Short). Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 929-940.
- Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2006) Individual and gender differences in empathizing and systemizing: measurement of individual differences by the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and the Systemizing Quotient (SQ). Japanese Journal of Psychology, 77, 271-277.
- Wheelwright, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Goldenfeld, N, Delaney, J, Fine, D, Smith, R, Weil, L & Wakabayashi, A, (2006) Predicting Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) from the Systemizing Quotient-Revised (SQ-R) and Empathy Quotient (EQ). Brain Research, 1079, 47-56.
- Williams, J, Allison, C, Scott, F, Stott, C, Bolton, P, Baron-Cohen, S, & Brayne, C, (2006) The Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST): test-retest reliability. Autism, 10, 415-427.
- Yirmiya, N, Gamliel, I, Pilowsky, T, Feldman, R, Baron-Cohen,S, and Sigman,M, (2006) The development of siblings of children with autism at 4 and 14 months: social engagement, communication and cognition. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 511-523.
- Ashwin, C, Wheelwright, S, and Baron-Cohen, S, (2005) Laterality biases to chimeric faces in Asperger Syndrome: What is ‘right’ about face processing? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35, 183-196.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2005) Testing the extreme male brain (EMB) theory of autism: let the data speak for themselves. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 10, 77-81.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2005) Enhanced attention to detail and hyper-systemizing in autism. Commentary on Milne, Swettenham and Campbell. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive (Current Review of Cognition) 23, 59-64.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Belmonte, M, (2005) Autism: a window onto the development of the social and the analytic brain. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 28, 109-126.
- *Baron-Cohen, S, Knickmeyer, R, & Belmonte, M (2005) Sex differences in the brain: implications for explaining autism. Science, 310, 819-823.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Robinson, J, Woodbury-Smith, M, (2005) The Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA): a diagnostic method. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35, 807-819.
- Goldenfeld, N, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S (2005) Empathizing and systemizing in males, females, and autism. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 2, 338-345.
- Grice, S, Johnson, M, Griffin, R, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2005) Neural correlates of eye-gaze detection in young children with autism. Cortex, 41, 342-353.
- Johnson, M, H, Griffin, R, Csibra, G, Halit, H, Farroni, T, de Haan, M, Tucker, L, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Richards, J (2005) The emergence of the social brain network: evidence from typical and atypical development. Development and Psychopathology, 17, 599-619.
- Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, Raggatt, P, & Taylor, K (2005) Foetal testosterone, social relationships, and restricted interests in children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46,198-210.
- Knickmeyer, R, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S (2005) Gender-typed play and amniotic testosterone. Developmental Psychology, 41, 517-528.
- Shaw, P, Bramham, J, Lawrence, E, Morris, R, Baron-Cohen, S, and David, A, (2005) Differential effects of lesions of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex on recognizing facial expressions of complex emotions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 1410-1419.
- Welchew, D, Ashwin, C, Berkouk, K, Salvador, R, Suckling, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Bullmore, E, (2005) Functional disconnectivity of the medial temporal lobe in Asperger Syndrome. Biological Psychiatry, 57, 991-998.
- Williams, J, Scott, F, Stott, C, Allison, C, Bolton, P, Baron-Cohen, S, Brayne, C, (2005) The CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): test accuracy. Autism, 9, 45-68.
- Woodbury-Smith, M, Robinson, J, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2005) Screening adults for Asperger Syndrome using the AQ: diagnostic validity in clinical practice. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35, 331-335.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2004) Autism: research into causes and intervention. Paediatric Rehabilitation, 7, 73-78.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2004) The cognitive neuroscience of autism. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 75, 945-948.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2004) The role of the amgydala in early social-cognitive development in humans. Journal Watch Neurology, 6, 92-93. Commentary on Shaw, P, et al, (2004) The impact of early and late damage to the human amygdala on ‘theory of mind’ reasoning. Brain, 127, 1535-1548.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2004) The Empathy Quotient:an investigation of adults with Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 163-175.
- Lawrence, E J, Shaw, P, Baker, D, Baron-Cohen, S, & David, A S, (2004) Measuring empathy: reliability and validity of the Empathy Quotient. Psychological Medicine, 34, 911-919.
- Lawson, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, (2004) Empathizing and systemizing in adults with and without Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 34, 301-310.
- Lutchmaya, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Raggatt, P, & Manning, J T, (2004) 2nd to 4th digit ratios, foetal testosterone and estradiol. Early Human Development, 77, 23-28.
- Wakabayashi, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2004) The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Japanese version: evidence from high-functioning clinical group and normal adults. Japanese Journal of Psychology. 75, 78-84.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Richler, J, Bisarya, D, Gurunathan, N, & Wheelwright, S, (2003) The Systemizing Quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B, 358, 361-374.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (2003) The Friendship Questionnaire: an investigation of adults with Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism, and normal sex differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33, 509-517.
- Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Baird, G, Drew, A, & Cox, A, (2003) Predicting language outcome in infants with autism and pervasive development disorder. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 38, 265-285.
- Richell, R A, Mitchell, D G V, Newman, C, Leonard, A, Baron-Cohen, S, & Blair, J, (2003) Theory of mind and psychopathy: can psychopathic individuals read the “language of the eyes”? Neuropsychologia, 41, 523-526.
- Shaw, P, Lawrence E, Baron-Cohen, S, David, A.S, (2003) Role of the amygdala in social sensitivity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 985, 508-510.
- Stone, V, Baron-Cohen, S, Young, A, Calder, A, & Keane, J, (2003) Acquired theory of mind impairments in individuals with bilateral amygdala lesions. Neuropsychologia, 41, 209-220.
- Wicker, B, Perrett, D, Baron-Cohen, S, & Decety, J, (2003) Being the target of another’s emotion: a PET study. Neuropsychologia, 41, 139-146.
- Adolphs, R, Baron-Cohen, S, & Tranel, D, (2002) Impaired recognition of social emotions following amygdala damage. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14, 1-11.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2002) The extreme male brain theory of autism. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 6, 248-254.
- Bolton, D, Dearsley, P, Madronal-Luque, R, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2002) Magical thinking in childhood and adolescence: Ddeelopment and relation to obsessive compulsion. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 20, 479-494.
- Drew, A, Baird, G, Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, Slonims V, Wheelwright, S, Swettenham, J, Berry, B, & Charman, T, (2002) A pilot randomised control trial of a parent training intervention for pre-school children with autism: preliminary findings and methodological challenges. European Child & Adult Psychiatry, 11, 266-272.
- Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Baird, G, Cox, A, Wheelwright, S, Swettenham, J, & Drew, A, (2002) Letter to the Editor. Response to Willemsen-Swinkels, Buitelar & van Engeland “Is 18 months too early for the CHAT?” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41, 235-236.
- Gray, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Brammer, M, J, Chopping, S, Nunn, J, Parslow, D, Gregory, L, Williams, S, (2002) Implications of synaesthesia for functionalism: theory and experiments. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 9, 5-31.
- Gregory, C, Lough, S, Stone, V, Erzinclioglu, S, Martin, L, Baron-Cohen, S, & Hodges, J, (2002) Theory of mind in patients with frontal variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: theoretical and practical implications. Brain, 125, 752-764.
- Lutchmaya, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Raggatt, P, (2002) Foetal testosterone and vocabulary size in 18- and 24-month-old infants. Infant Behaviour and Development, 24, 418-424.
- Lutchmaya, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2002) Human sex differences in social and non-social looking preferences, at 12 months of age. Infant Behaviour and Development, 25, 319-325.
- Lutchmaya, S, Baron-Cohen, S, & Raggatt, P, (2002) Foetal testosterone and eye contact in 12-month-old human infants. Infant Behaviour and Development, 25, 327-335.
- *Nunn, J, Gregory, L, Morris, R, Brammer, M, Bullmore, E, Harrison, J, Williams, S, Baron-Cohen, S, and Gray, J, (2002) Functional magnetic resonance imaging of synaesthesia: activation of V4/V8 by spoken words. Nature Neuroscience, 5, 371-375.
- Rutherford, M, Baron-Cohen, S, Stone, V, & Wheelwright, S, (2002) Reading the mind in the voice: a study with normal adults and adults with Asperger syndrome or high, functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 32, 189-194.
- Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton P, Brayne, C, (2002) The CAST (Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test): preliminary development of a UK screen for mainstream primary-school age children Autism, 6, 9-31.
- Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, & Brayne, C, (2002) Brief Report: Prevalence of autism spectrum conditions in children aged 5-11 years in Cambridgeshire, UK. Autism, 6, 231-237.
- Wellman, H, Baron-Cohen, S, Caswell, R, Gomez, J-C, Swettenham, J, & Toye, E, (2002) Thought-bubbles help children with autism acquire an alternative to a theory of mind. Autism, 6, 343-363.
- Baird, G, Charman, T, Cox, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Wheelwright, S, & Drew, A, (2001) Screening and surveillance for autism and pervasive developmental disorders. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 84, 468-475.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) Theory of mind and autism: A Review. International Review of Mental Retardation, 23, 169-184.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) Theory of mind in normal development and autism. Prisme, 34, 174-183.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, Skinner, R, Martin, J, & Clubley, E, (2001) The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ): evidence from Asperger Syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists, and mathematicians. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31, 5-17. Also see Errata, 31, 6.
- *Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Hill, J, Raste, Y, & Plumb, I, (2001) The ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ test revised version: a study with normal adults, and adults with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism. Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychiatry, 42, 241-252.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Scahill, V, Spong, A, & Lawson, J, (2001) Studies of theory of mind: are intuitive physics and intuitive psychology independent? Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 5, 47-78.
- Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Baird, G, Cox, A, Wheelwright, S, Swettenham, J & Drew A, (2001) Commentary: the modified checklist for autism in toddlers, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31, 145-151.
- Craig, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, & Scott, F, (2001) Drawing ability in autism: a window into the imagination. Israel Journal of Psychiatry 3-4, 242-253.
- Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) A test of central coherence theory: can adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome integrate objects in context? Visual Cognition, 8, 67-101.
- Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) A test of central coherence theory: can adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger Syndrome integrate fragments of an object? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 6, 193-216.
- Manning, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Sanders, G, (2001) The 2nd to 4th digit ratio and autism. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 43, 160-164.
- O’Riordan, M, Plaisted, K, Driver, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) Superior visual search in autism. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 27, 719-730.
- Wheelwright, S, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2001) The link between autism and skills such as engineering, maths, physics, and computing: a reply to Jarrold and Routh. Autism, 5, 223-227.
- Baird, G, Cox, A, Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Wheelwright, S, & Drew, A, (2000) A screening instrument for autism at 18 months of age: a six year follow-up study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 694-702.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2000) Is Asperger Syndrome/high-functioning autism necessarily a disability? Development and Psychopathology, 12, 489-500.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Bullmore, E, Wheelwright, S, Ashwin, C, & Williams, S, (2000) The amygdala theory of autism. Neuroscience and Behavioural Reviews, 24, 355-364.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, Charman, T, Swettenham, J, Drew, A, & Doehring, P, (2000) Early identification of autism by the CHecklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 93, 521-525.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, Charman, T, Swettenham, J, Drew, A, & Doehring, P, (2000) The early identification of autism: the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT). The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 4, 3-30.
- Batki, A, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Connellan, J, & Ahluwalia, J, (2000) Is there an innate gaze module? Evidence from human neonates. Infant Behavior and Development, 23, 223-229.
- Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Baird, G, Cox, A, & Drew, A, (2000) Testing joint attention, imitation, and play as infancy precursors language and theory of mind. Cognitive Development, 15, 481-498.
- Connellan, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Ba’tki, A, & Ahluwalia, J, (2000) Sex differences in human neonatal social perception. Infant Behavior and Development, 23, 113-118.
- Craig, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2000) Story-telling ability in children with autism or Asperger syndrome: a window into the imagination. Israel Journal of Psychiatry, 37, 64-70.
- Heavey, L, Phillips, W, Baron-Cohen, S, & Rutter, M, (2000) The Awkward Moments Test: a naturalistic measure of social understanding in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30, 225-236.
- Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (2000) Linguistic processing in high-functioning adults with autism or Asperger syndrome: is global coherence impaired? A further test of central coherence theory. Psychological Medicine, 30, 1169-1187.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Can studies of autism teach us about consciousness of the physical and the mental? Special Issue of Philosophical Explorations, 3, 175-188.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Mortimore, C, Moriarty, J, Robertson, M, & Izaguirre, J, (1999) The prevalence of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in children and adolescents with autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 40, 213-218.
- Baron-Cohen, S, O’Riordan, M, Jones, R, Stone, V, & Plaistead, K, (1999) Recognition of faux pas by normally developing children and children with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 29, 407-418.
- *Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Wheelwright, S, Bullmore, E, Brammer, M, Simmons, A, & Williams, S, (1999) Social intelligence in the normal and autistic brain: an fMRI study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 1891-1898.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Saunders, K, & Chakrabati, S, (1999) Does autism cluster geographically? A research note. Autism, 31, 39-43.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Scahill, V L, Izaguirre, J, Hornsey, H, & Robertson, M M, (1999) The prevalence of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in children and adolescents with autism: a large scale study. Psychological Medicine, 29, 1151-1159.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Wheelwright, S, (1999) ‘Obsessions’ in children with autism or Asperger Syndrome: Content analysis in terms of core domains of cognition. British Journal of Psychiatry, 175, 484-490.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Stone, V, & Rutherford, M, (1999) A mathematician, a physicist, and a computer scientist with Asperger Syndrome: performance on folk psychology and folk physics tests. Neurocase, 5, 475-483.
- Campbell, R, Walker, J, Benson, P, Wallace, S, Coleman, M, Michelotti, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) When does the inner face advantage in familiar face recognition arise and why? Visual Cognition, 6, 197-216.
- Cox, A, Klein, K, Baird, G, Swettenham, J, Nightingale, N, Drew, A, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Autism spectrum disorders at 20 and 42 months of age: stability of clinical and ADI-R diagnosis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 40, 719-732.
- Craig, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Creativity and imagination in autism and Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 29, 319-326.
- Driver, J, Davis, G, Ricciardelli, P, Kidd, P, Maxwell, E, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Gaze perception triggers reflexive visuospatial orienting. Visual Cognition, 6, 509-540.
- Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) A test of central coherence theory: linguistic processing in high-functioning adults with autism or Asperger syndrome: is local coherence impaired? Cognition, 71, 149-185.
- Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) The strange stories test: a replication with high-functioning adults with autism or Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 29, 395-404.
- Ring, H, Baron-Cohen, S, Williams, S, Wheelwright, S, Bullmore, E, Brammer, M, & Andrew, C, (1999) Cerebral correlates of preserved cognitive skills in autism. A functional MRI study of Embedded Figures Task performance. Brain, 122, 1305-1315.
- Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, & Leslie, A, (1999) “If pigs could fly”: a test of counterfactual reasoning and pretence in children with autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 349-362.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1999) Does the study of autism justify minimalist innate modularity? Learning and Individual Differences, 10, 179-191.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Stott, C, Bolton, P, & Goodyer, I, (1998) Engineering and autism: exploring the link further: a reply to Wolff, Brausberg and Islam. Autism, 2, 98-104.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Superiority on the embedded figures task in autism and normal males: evidence of an innate talent? (Commentary on Howes et al.) Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 21, 408-409.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton, P, Wheelwright, S, Scahill, V, Short, L, Mead, G, & Smith, A, (1998) Does autism occur more often in families of physicists, engineers, and mathematicians? Autism, 2, 296-301.
- Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Cox, A, Baird, G, & Drew, A, (1998) An experimental investigation of social-cognitive abilities in infants with autism: clinical implications. Infant Mental Health Journal, 19, 260-275.
- Craig, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Do children with autism talk about their dreams? Predictions from the ‘theory of mind’ hypothesis. Psychologie Francaise, 43, 169-176.
- Phillips, W, Baron-Cohen, S, & Rutter, M, (1998) Understanding intention in normal development and in autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16, 337-348.
- Plaisted, K, O’Riordan, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Enhanced visual search for a conjunctive target in autism: a research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 39, 777-783.
- Plaisted, K, O’Riordan, M, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Enhanced discrimination of novel, highly similar stimuli by adults with autism during a perceptual learning task. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 39, 765-775.
- Stone, V, Baron-Cohen, S, & Knight, R, (1998) Frontal lobe contributions to theory of mind. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 640-656.
- Swettenham, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Charman, T, Cox, A, Baird, G, Drew, A, Rees, L, & Wheelwright, S, (1998) The frequency and distribution of spontaneous attention shifts between social and non-social stimuli in autistic, typically developing, and nonautistic developmentally delayed infants. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 39, 747-753.
- Tager-Flusberg, H, Boshart, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Reading the windows to the soul: evidence of domain specificity sparing in Williams Syndrome. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 631-639.
- Baron-Cohen, S. (1997) Hey! It was just a joke! Understanding propositions and propositional attitudes by normally developing children, and children with autism. Israel Journal of Psychiatry, 34, 174-178.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Baldwin, D, & Crowson, M, (1997) Do children with autism use the speaker’s direction of gaze strategy to crack the code of language? Child Development, 68, 48-57.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Hammer, J, (1997) Is autism an extreme form of the “male brain”? Advances in Infancy Research, 11, 193-217.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Hammer, J, (1997) Parents of children with Asperger Syndrome: what is the cognitive phenotype? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 548-554.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Jolliffe, T, Mortimore, C, & Robertson, M (1997) Another advanced test of theory of mind: evidence from very high functioning adults with autism or Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 813-822.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, & Jolliffe, T, (1997) Is there a “Language of the Eyes”? Evidence from normal adults and adults with autism or Asperger Syndrome. Visual Cognition, 4, 311-331.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Stott, C, Bolton, P, & Goodyer, I, (1997) Is there a link between engineering and autism? Autism, 1, 101-108.
- Charman, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1997) Brief Report: Prompted pretend play in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 27, 325-332.
- Charman, T, Swettenham, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, & Baird, G, (1997) Infants with autism: an investigation of empathy, pretend play, joint attention, and imitation. Developmental Psychology, 33, 781-789.
- Hadwin, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Howlin, P, & Hill, K, (1997) Does teaching a theory of mind have an effect on the ability to develop conversation in children with autism? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 27, 519-538.
- Jolliffe, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1997) Are people with autism or Asperger Syndrome faster than normal on the Embedded Figures Task? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 527-534.
- Leekam, S, Baron-Cohen, S, Brown, S, Perrett, D, & Milders, M, (1997) Eye-direction detection: a dissociation between geometric and joint-attention skills in autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 77-95.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1996) Can children with autism integrate first and third person representations? (Commentary of Baresi and Moore’s target article) Behaviour and Brain Sciences, 123-124.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1996) Is there a normal phase of synaesthesia in development? PSYCHE, 2, (27), baron_cohen.html.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Burt, L, Smith-Leyton, F, Harrison, J, & Bolton, P, (1996) Synaesthesia: prevalence and familiality. Perception, 25, 1073-1079.
- *Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, Swettenham, J, Drew, A, Nightingale, N, Morgan, K, & Charman, T, (1996) Psychological markers in the detection of autism in infancy in a large population. British Journal of Psychiatry, 168, 158-163.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Riviere, A, Cross, P, Fukushima, M, Bryant, C, Sotillo, M, Hadwin, J, & French, D, (1996) Reading the mind in the face: a cross-cultural and developmental study. Visual Cognition, 3, 39-59.
- Hadwin, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Howlin, P, & Hill, K, (1996) Can we teach children with autism to understand emotions, belief, or pretence? Development and Psychopathology. 8, 345-365.
- Harrison, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1996) Acquired and inherited forms of cross-modal correspondence. Neurocase, 2, 245-249.
- Scott, F, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1996) Logical, analogical, and psychological reasoning in autism: a test of the Cosmides theory. Development and Psychopathology, 8, 235-246.
- Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, (1996) Imagining real and unreal things: evidence of a dissociation in autism. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 8, 371-382.
- Surian, L, Baron-Cohen, S, & Van der Lely, H, (1996) Are children with autism deaf to Gricean maxims? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 1, 55-72.
- Swettenham, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Gomez, J-C, & Walsh, S, (1996) What’s inside someone’s head? Conceiving of the mind as a camera helps children with autism acquire an alternative theory of mind. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 1, 73-88.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Campbell, R, Karmiloff-Smith, A, Grant, J, & Walker, J, (1995) Are children with autism blind to the mentalistic significance of the eyes? British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 13, 379-398.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Robertson, M, (1995) Children with either Autism, Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome or both: mapping cognition to specific syndromes. Neurocase, 1, 101-104.
- Campbell, R, Walker, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) The development of differential use of inner and outer face features in the development of familiar face identification. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 59, 196-210.
- Charman, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) Understanding photos, models, and beliefs: a test of the Modularity Thesis of theory of mind. Cognitive Development, 10, 287-298.
- Karmiloff-Smith, A, Klim, E, Bellugi, U, Grant, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) Is there a social module? Language, face-processing and theory of mind in Individuals with Williams Syndrome. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 7, 196-208.
- Paulesu, E, Harrison, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Watson, J, Goldstein, L, Heather, J, Frakowiak, R, and Frith, C, (1995) The physiology of coloured hearing. A PET activation study of coloured-word synaesthesia. Brain, 118, 661-676.
- Phillips, W, Baron-Cohen, S, & Rutter, M, (1995) To what extent do children with autism understand desires? Development and Psychopathology, 7, 151-170.
- Phillips, W, Gomez, J-C, Baron-Cohen, S, Riviere, A, & Laa, V, (1995) Treating people as objects, agents, or subjects: how young children with and without autism make requests. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 36, 1383-1398.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1994) How to build a baby that can read minds: cognitive mechanisms in mindreading. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/ Current Psychology of Cognition, 13, 513-552.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1994) The mindreading system: new directions for research. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/ Current Psychology of Cognition, 13, 724-750.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Cross, P, Crowson, M, & Robertson, M, (1994) Can children with Gilles de la Tourette’s Syndrome edit their intentions? Psychological Medicine, 24, 29-40.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Goodhart, F, (1994) The “seeing leads to knowing” deficit in autism: The Pratt and Bryant probe. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 12, 397-402.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Moriarty, J, Shmitz, P, Costa, D, & Ell, P, (1994) Recognition of mental state terms: clinical findings in children with autism and a functional neuroimaging study of normal adults. British Journal of Psychiatry, 165, 640-649.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Staunton, R, (1994) Do children with autism acquire the phonology of their peers? An examination of group identification through the window of bilingualism. First Language, 14, 241-248.
- Charman, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1994) Another look at imitation in autism. Development and Psychopathology, 6, 403-413.
- Harrison, J, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1994) Synaesthesia: an account of coloured hearing. Leonardo, 27, 343-346.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Harrison, J, Goldstein, L, and Wyke, M, (1993) Coloured speech perception: is synaesthesia what happens when modularity breaks down? Perception, 22, 419-426.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Spitz, A, & Cross, P, (1993) Do children with autism recognize surprise? A research note Cognition and Emotion, 7, 507-516.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) The concept of intentionality: invented or innate? (Commentary on Gopnik). Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 16, 29-30.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) Are children with autism acultural? (Commentary on Tomasello et al). Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 16, 512-513.
- Charman, T, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) Drawing development in autism: the intellectual to visual realism shift. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11, 171-185.
- Goodhart, F, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) How many ways can the point be made? Evidence from children with and without autism. First Language, 13, 225-233.
- Holroyd, S, and Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) Brief Report: How far can people with autism go in developing a theory of mind? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 23, 379-386.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) Out of sight or out of mind: another look at deception in autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 33, 1141-1155.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Allen, J, & Gillberg, C, (1992) Can autism be detected at 18 months? The needle, the haystack, and the CHAT. British Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 839-843.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Cross, P, (1992) Reading the eyes: evidence for the role of perception in the development of a theory of mind. Mind and Language, 6, 173-186.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) How monkeys do things with “words”. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 15, 148. (Commentary on Cheney and Seyfarth).
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) On modularity and development in autism: a reply to Burack. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 33, 623-629.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Frith, U, (1992) Autism and misrepresentation. The Psychologist, 4, 163-164.
- Charman, T, and Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) Understanding drawings and beliefs: a further test of the Metarepresentation Theory of autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 33, 1105-1112.
- McManus, I.C., Murray, B, Doyle, K, & Baron-Cohen, S, (1992) Handedness in childhood autism shows a dissociation of skill and preference. Cortex, 28, 373-381.
- Phillips, W, Baron-Cohen, S, & Rutter, M, (1992) The role of eye contact in goal detection: evidence from normal infants and children with autism or mental handicap. Development and Psychopathology, 4, 375-383.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) The development of a theory of mind in autism: deviance and delay? Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14, 33-51.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) Do people with autism understand what causes emotion? Child Development, 62, 385-395.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) The theory of mind deficit in autism: how specific is it? British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9, 301-314.
- Baird, G, Baron-Cohen, S, Bohmna, M, Coleman, M, Frith, U, Gillberg, C, Gillberg, C, Howlin, P, Mesibov, G, Peeters, T, Ritvo, E, Steffenburg, S, Taylor, D, Waterhouse, L, Wing, L, & Zapella, M, (1991) Autism is not necessarily a pervasive development disorder. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 33, 363-364.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1990) Autism: a specific cognitive disorder of “mind-blindness”. International Review of Psychiatry, 2, 81-90.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1990) Instructed and elicited play in autism: A reply to Lewis and Boucher. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8, 207.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) The autistic child’s theory of mind: a case of specific developmental delay. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 30, 285-297.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Perceptual role taking and protodeclarative pointing in autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 7, 113-127.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Do autistic children have obsessions and compulsions? British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 28, 193-200.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Are autistic children “behaviourists”? An examination of their mental-physical and appearance-reality distinctions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 19, 579-600.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Joint attention deficits in autism: towards a cognitive analysis. Development and Psychopathology, 1, 185-189.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) Thinking about thinking: how does it develop? Critical Notice. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 30, 931-933.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1989) The theory of mind hypothesis of autism: A reply to Boucher. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 24, 199-200
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1988) Social and pragmatic deficits in autism: cognitive or affective? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 18, 379-402.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1988) An assessment of violence in a young man with Asperger’s Syndrome. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 29, 351-360.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1988) “Without a theory of mind one cannot participate in a conversation”. Cognition, 29, 83-84.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1987) Autism and symbolic play. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 5, 139-148.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Wyke, M, & Binnie, C, (1987) Hearing words and seeing colours: an experimental investigation of a case of synaesthesia. Perception, 16, 761-767.