Translations and Reprints
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2012) Empatía cero: nueva teoría de la crueldad. Translation of: Zero Degrees of Empathy: A New Theory of Human Cruelty. Alianza Editorial
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2012) When killers target kids. The Jewish Journal. Reprint from Zócalo Public Square (2012).
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2011) Cognizione ed empatia nell’autismo. Dalla teoria della mente a quella del “cevello maschile estremo”. Translation of: Evolution of ‘Does the autistic child have a theory of mind?’ and ‘the Empathizing-Systemizing Theory’. In Agliuzzio, V, (ed) Bricks. Erikson.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Theories of the autistic mind. American Therapy Magazine. Reprint of The Psychologist, 21, 112-116
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2009) Transported to a world of emotion. McGill Journal of Medicine. 12, 2 (78-80). Reprinted from The Psychologist, 20, 2 (76-77).
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2008) Living google. Communication. 42(3), 39. Reprinted from Nature, 454, 695-696.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Knickmeyer, R, & Belmonte, M (2008) Sex Differences in the Brain: Implications for Explaining Autism. Autism News of Orange County & the Rest of the World. Winter/Spring 2008, 5-7. Reprinted from Science, 310, 819-823.
- Steinbausen, (ed.) Reprinted from McGregor, E, Nunez, N, Cebula, K, & Gomez, J, C, (eds.) Autism: An Integrated View from Neurocognitive, Clinical and Intervention Research. Blackwell, Oxford, (2007).
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) The biology of the imagination. Entelechy ( Reprinted from Headlem Wells, R & McFadden, J (eds.) What is human nature? The Continuum International Publishing Group, London.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Very late diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome: the Cambridge Lifespan Asperger Syndrome Service (CLASS). Interactive Autism Network, ( 2nd April. Reprinted from Communication (2007).
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) Transported to a world of emotion. Interactive Autism Network ( Reprinted from The Psychologist, 20, 2 (76-77).
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2007) The male condition. Kognition & Paedagogik, 64, 17. Reprinted from the New York Times, August 8, Op Ed.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2006) Autismo e hipersistematización (Autism And Hyper-systemizing). Psicologia Iberoamerica, 14, 40-45.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2004) The extreme male brain theory of autism. Terrain, 42, 17-32. Reprinted from TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 6, 248-254.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2004) The extreme male brain theory of autism. 7th Autism-Europe Congress, Lisbon 2003. Reprinted from Trends in Cognitive Sciences, (2002) 6, 248-254.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Richler, J, Bisarya, D, Gurunathan, N, & Wheelwright, S, (2004), The Systemising Quotient (SQ): an investigation of adults with Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism and normal sex differences. In Frith, U and Hill, E (eds.) Autism: Mind and Brain. Oxford University Press. Reprinted from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B, 358, 361-374.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (2004) The male and female brain. Oxford Companion to the Mind (2nd Edition). Reprinted from Cambridge Medicine, 18, 20-21.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Hill, J, J, Golan, O & Wheelwright, S, (2003) Electronic emotions encyclopaedic. Autism Digest, January/February 2003, 14-19. Reprinted from Cambridge Medicine (2002), 17, 28-29.
- Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Wheelwright, S, Baird, G, Cox, A, Drew, A, & Swettenham, J, Commento sulla Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers. Autismo e Disturbi Dello Sviluppo, 1, 69-76.
- Scott, F, Baron-Cohen, S, Bolton P, Brayne, C, (2003) CAST: Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test. Autismo e Disturbi Dello Sviluppo 2, 151-174. Reprinted from Autism (2002), 6, 9-31.
- Baird, G, Cox, A, Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Wheelwright, S, & Drew, A, (2002) A screening instrument for autism at 18 months of age: a six year follow-up study. Advances in Research on Autism and Developmental Disorders, Seiwa Shoten, Tokyo. Reprinted from Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, (2000) 39, 694-702.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Hill, J, J, Golan, O & Wheelwright, S, (2002) Emotions: an interactive electronic guide, Communication, 36, 31-32. Reprinted from Cambridge Medicine (2002), 17, 28-29.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Bullmore, E, Wheelwright, S, Ashwin, C, & Williams, S, (2002) The amygdala theory of autism. Advances in Research on Autism and Developmental Disorders, Seiwa Shoten, Tokyo. Reprinted from Neuroscience and Behavioural Reviews, (2000) 24, 355-364.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Ring, H, Wheelwright, S, Bullmore, E, Brammer, M, Simmons, A, & Williams, S, (2002) Social intelligence in the normal and autistic brain: an fMRI study. In Cacioppo, J, T, Davidson, R J, Taylor, S E, Schacter, D L,& McEwen, B, S, (eds.) Foundations in Social Neurosciences. MIT Press. 355-366. Reprinted from European Journal of Neuroscience, 11, 1891-1898.
- Charman, T, Baron-Cohen, S, Swettenham, J, Cox, A, Baird, G, & Drew, A, (2000) Infants with autism: an investigation of empathy, pretend play, joint attention and imitation. In Muir, D, & Slater, A (eds.) Infant development: The essential readings, 343-363, Oxford: Blackwell. Reprinted from Infant Mental Health Journal (1998), 19, 260-275.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Jolliffe, T, Mortimore, C, & Robertson, M, (1999) Another advanced test of theory of mind: evidence from very high functioning adults with autism or Asperger syndrome? In Takagi, R, Rutter, M, & Schopler, E, (eds.), Advances in Research on Autism and Developmental Disorders Yearbook. Japanese Society for the Promotion of Research on Autism. Reprinted from Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 813-822.
- Charman, T, Swettenham, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, & Drew, A, (1999) Infants with autism: an investigation of empathy, pretend play, joint attention, and imitation. (eds.), Advances in Research on Autism and Developmental Disorders Yearbook. Japanese Society for the Promotion of Research on Autism. Reprinted from Developmental Psychology, 33, 781-789.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Son los ninos autistas mejores fisicos que psicologos? Infancia y Aprendizaje, 84, 33-43. Reprinted from Wellman, H, & Inagaki, K, (eds.) The emergence of core domains of thought: Children’s reasoning about physical, psychological and biological phenomena. New Direction for Child Development Series, 75, 45-54. Jossey-Bass Inc.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1998) Is autism an extreme form of the male brain? In Carter, R. (ed.) Mapping the mind, Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Extracted from Advances in Infancy Research, 11, 193-217.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, Swettenham, J, Drew, A, Nightingale, N, Morgan, K, & Charman, T, (1998) Psychological markers in the detection of autism in infancy in a large population. In Takagi, R, Rutter, M, & Schopler, E, (eds.) Advances in Research on Autism and Developmental Disorders Yearbook. Japanese Society for the Promotion of Research on Autism. Reprinted from British Journal of Psychiatry, 168, 158-163.
- Hadwin, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Howlin, P, & Hill, K, (1998) Can we teach children with autism to understand emotions, belief, or pretence? In Takagi, R, Rutter, M, & Schopler, E, (eds.), Advances in Research on Autism and Developmental Disorders Yearbook. Japanese Society for the Promotion of Research on Autism. Reprinted from Development and Psychopathology, 8, 235-246.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Allen, J, & Gillberg, C, (1997) L’autisme peut-il etre detecte a l’age de 18 mois? L’aiguille, la meule de foin et le chat. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, A.N.A.E., Special issue ‘Fundamental texts in autism’ November 1997. Reprint of Baron-Cohen et al (1992) British Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 839-843.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Cox, A, Baird, G, Swettenham, J, Nightingale, N, Morgan, K, Drew, A, & Charman, T, (1997) Marcadores psicologicos en la deteccion del autismo infantil en una poblacion amplia. In Riviere, A, & Martos, J, (eds.) El Tratamiento Del Autismo, Madrid: Asociacion de Padres de Ninos Autistas. Reprinted from British Journal of Psychiatry, 168, 158-163.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Leslie, A, & Frith, U, (1997) Does the autistic child have a theory of mind? In Takagi, R, Rutter, M, & Schopler, E, (eds.) Advances in Research on Autism and Developmental Disorders Yearbook. (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Research on Autism). Reprinted from Cognition, 21, 37-46.
- Hadwin, J, Baron-Cohen, S, Howlin, P, & Hill, K, (1997) ¿Podemos enseñar a comprender emociones, creencias o ficciones a los niños autistas? In Riviere, A, & Martos, J, (eds.) El Tratamiento Del Autismo, Madrid: Asociacion de Padres de Ninos Autistas. Reprinted from Development and Psychopathology, 8, 345-365.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) I precursori della teoria della mente: comprendre l’attenzione negli altri. In Camaioni, L, (ed.) La Teoria della mente. Origini, Svilupo & Patologia. Guis Laterza and Figli Publishers. Reprint from Natural theories of mind. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1995) Dalla psicologia attenzione-meta alla psicologia credenza-desiderio. In Liverta Sempio, Olga, and Marchetti, Antonella, (ed.) Il Pensiero Dell’Altro. Rafaello Cortina Editore. Reprinted from Understanding other minds: perspectives from autism. Oxford University Press.
- Baron-Cohen, S, & Cross, P, (1995) Reading the eyes: evidence for the role of perception in the development of a theory of mind. In Davies, M, & Stone, M, (eds.) Folk Psychology: The Theory of Mind Debate. Blackwells. Reprinted from Mind and Language, 6, 173-186.
- Baron-Cohen, S, Allen, J, & Gillberg, C, (1994) Será possivel detectar o autismo aos 18 meses? Review Portuguese de Pedagogia, 28, 391-404. Reprinted from British Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 839-843.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) Autismo: un trastorno cognitivo espicifico de “cuguera de la mente”. In Canal Bedia, R, Perez Perez, Y, & Verdugo Alonso, M, (eds.) El Autismo 50 anos despues de Kanner (1943). Amaru Ediciones: Salamanca. Reprint of International Review of Psychiatry, 2, 79-88.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1993) Autisme: un trouble cognitif specifique, la “cecite mentale”. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages Chez L’enfant, 5, 146-154. Reprinted from International Review of Psychiatry, 2, 79-88.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1991) Deficit interpersonali e nella pragmatica della communicazione del bambino autistico: cause di origine cognitiva o affettiva? Insegnare All’Handicappato, 5, 99-121. Reprint of Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 18, 379-402.
- Baron-Cohen, S, (1990) Autismo: uma alteração cognitiva específica de “cegueira mental”. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, 24, 407-430. Reprint of International Review of Psychiatry, 2, 79-88.