Eyes Test (Child)
This test has been split into three components for download convenience.
S. Baron-Cohen, S. Wheelwright, V. Scahill, J. Lawson and A. Spong, (2001)
Are intuitive physics and intuitive psychology independent? A test with children with Asperger Syndrome
Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders 5:47-78
Title | Language | Contributors/Notes |
Child Eyes Test Instructions | English | |
Child Eyes Test - Part 1 | English | |
child Eyes Test - Part 2 | English | |
Child Eyes Test - Arabic | العربية | Samar Dakkak Badawi Al Masarra Hospital Muscat, Oman |
Child Eyes Test - Chinese (Traditional) | 中國人 | Kevin Yu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Yan Tsz Chan (The Education University of Hong Kong) |
Adult Eyes Test - Chinese (Simplified) | 中文简版 | Peggy Gallaher Pacific Rim Transdisciplinary Tobacco & Alcohol Use Research Center |
Adult Eyes Test - German | Deutsch | Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main |
Child Eyes Test - Spanish | Español | Claudia Pezzuto |
Child Eyes Test - French | Français | Nicolas Petit Centre d’Évaluation et de Diagnostic de l’Autisme (CEDA) – CH Le Vinatier Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon (CRNL), équipe EDUWELL/BBL |
Child Eyes Test - French (Canadian) | Français | Leandra Desjardins, Lisa-Sarah Brunier & Émélie Rondeau, Centre intégré du réseau en neuro-developpement de l’enfant (CIRENE), CHU Sainte-Justine |
Child Eyes Test - Greek | Έλληνες | Magda Baxevani |
Child Eyes Test (2016) - Greek | Έλληνες | Chelas Evripidis-Nikolaos IEEL, Ioannina, Greece |
Child Eyes Test - Italian | Italiano | Silvia Fasciano University Kore of Enna, Sicily |
Child Eyes Test - Lithuanian | Lietuvių | Lina Gervinskaite-Paulaitiene Vilnius University |
Child Eyes Test - Dutch | Nederlands | Rémy Antonides Diagnostisch psycholoog bij Pluryn |
Child Eyes Test - Polish | Polski | Agnieszka Rynkiewicz Centrum Diagnozy, Terapii i Edukacji Spectrum ASC-Med |
Child Eyes Test - Portuguese | Português | Paula Tavares Instituto de Imagem Biomédica e Ciências da Vida, Coimbra, Portugal |
Child Eyes Test - Romanian | Română | Elena Geangu Romanian Academy in Cluj-Napoca, Psycho-Social Research Department. Babes-Bolyai University, Department of Psychology |
Child Eyes Test - Russian | Россию | Ekaterina Saprina & Ivan Iourov National Research Center of Mental Health, RAMS, Moscow |
Child Eyes Test - Slovenian | Slovenščina | Jozica Majeric FDI Slovenia |
Child Eyes Test - Finnish | Suomalainen | Jutta Torsti Turku University Hospital |
Child Eyes Test - Swedish | Svensk | Eric Zander Center of Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska Institutet (KIND) |
Child Eyes Test - Turkish | Türkçe | Alev Girli Special Education Department, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir |